
District 7 Meeting

COLT Conference

Oct 9, 2001



            DistrictChairman, Rick Metzger at 6:04 pm in theWestfall H.S. ag room, called the meeting to order.


New Teachers to the district were introduced.


Minutes were read and approved

Treasury shows a balance of $9.49


Old Business:

            Districtcalendar changes:

                        Agsales has been changed from Feb 18 to Feb. 19 due to Presidents Day

                        DistAg Mechanics is subject to change, info will be sent later.


Committee Reports


            OAAE: Cyndi Brill asked that everyonecheck their membership status on the

                          states website.  Manymistakes have been found.

                        Mentorprogram is also in place for new teachers. Call Cyndi for details.


            Legislative: No report


Camp: Scott Sharp reported  982 FFA campers and 98 advisors were at camp this

    past summer. Many changes are coming for 2002including a 5th camp session,

    a new nurses station, a high power rifle range,log cabins for small groups and

              2 weekends of greenhand camp. The waste water treatment still needsupdating

              and a quarterly newsletter are goals for camp.


            CDE Ð Tom Holton reported thatthey are meeting soon. Submit any changes to                            him. 

Susan Crank moved that 1st place individuals shouldbe allowed to repeat contest even if individual was on a first place team. Thisapplies to non national contest. Many of her contest areas do not have a National CDE.

Loren Young 2nd         

Motion passed

Brian Breece moved that the Forestry CDE be moved back to the oldforms.

Tom Holton 2nd

Motion passed



Fruit Sales- Chuck Miller  asked that everyone return their reportforms back to

        him after sales. Every school was mailed a copy.


            FoundationÐ No report       


            TrophiesÐ Jeff Tilley movedthat top 4 teams and top 5 individuals be awarded

providing thatthe team is a complete team for district awards.

                               JeffEllis Ð 2nd



Ethics -   No report


Alumni Ð Jeff Ellis   reported that state awards arebeing judged on Sat. Oct.13

                                    District7 will have an opening for Dist. 7 council member,

 election at state convention Jan 26,2002, Holiday Inn on Lane


New Business:


            Countychairman were selected:

                        FairfieldÐ Chuck Miller

                        Knox     -   Brian Breece

                        Licking-    Ron Thompson

                        Franklin  - Susan Crank

                        Pickway  -   Susan Metzger

                        Ross       -   Andrew Delong


            LorenYoung moved that District 7 FFA dues beset at $1 per student for 1 year.

            JeffTilley 2nd

            MotionPassed  25-7


            JeffTilley moved that meeting be adjourned

            DonBucher 2nd

            Motionpassed Ð meeting adjourned 6:40  pm



Respectfully submitted

Jeff Ellis, Secretary/Treasurer