The District 7 fall agriculturaleducators meeting was held on September 2, 2004 and called to orderat 4:00 pm by president Christi Bachman.

John Collet opened the meeting giving the followinginformation:

* The Chevy scholarship program for FFAchapters. A $5.00 donation is being requested by the general publicfor this fundraiser.

* Prices for citrus will be establishedat the September 29th board meeting. Expect increases. Make sureyour supplies will be able to cover your needs and will donate to therebate program. Fruit sales will kickoff Friday, October 8th.

* Amanda Hills is offering chapters toparticipate in bottled water sales. Chapters have the opportunity tohave their chapter photo or mission be printed for a label.

* Fund raising tracking sheets areavailable from a variety of sources. The state of Iowa has a programfor about $50; Extension offices in northwest Ohio have a program forabout $20; other sources could be found on the web.

* Chapters should consider offeringother products such as beef jerky, BBQ sauce, and deli style mustardto enhance their sales.

Craig Wiget handed out a printed version of the power pointpresentation shown at the summer update meeting held in August. Ahand out was also available detailing notes from the OAAE conference.
OAAE BusinessMeeting

Short presentations were given by district 7teachers on their best practices. Rick Metzger provided a lessoncalled "Reebops" dealing with genetic combinations where students candetermine the outcome of their "animals" based upon the chromosomesselected.

Neil Lehnhart provided information onwelding practices and shop activities, where students evaluate theirwelds. Samples of various welding projects were shown.

Tim Turner provided information on a lessonthrough Pioneer seed dealing with biotechnology. By using lab itemsavailable through Pioneer, students can check protein levels in cornto see if the seed is Round-Up Ready. Tim also showed examples ofinsect

The OAAE business meeting began at 5:25PM.

Jeff Ellis handed out minutes from thespring meeting. No additions or corrections were stated. Thetreasury contains $1236. 42. It was decided by the district not tohave any district dues.

Introductions of student teachers andstudents exploring the teaching profession were made.

Committee Reports

Legislative: Letters to encourage thereplacing of John Miley need to be sent to the state office. Examples of what should be stated in the letters will be emailed. It is very important that the state gets this positionrefilled.

Camp Board: Scott Sharp reported that one ofthe houses on the camp site is being remodeled into apartments. This will be more economical for the camp.

CDE Update: A green sheet detailing thechanged to Ohio CDEÕs was distributed. It was determined thata district elimination contest for Ag Communication would beneeded.

Fruit Sale: Be advised of possible changesin fruit prices. More info will be available through the Ohio FFAwebsite.

Trophies: Please check the spelling ofstudents names prior to being submitted for the trophies.

Ethics: None

Alumni: State awards need to be posted byOctober 1st.

Unfinished Business

Calendar: Amanda Clearcreek will be hostingthe Ag Communication CDE on November 16th. Concerning ParliamentaryProcedure CDE, only one chapter per county is allowed to participate.

New Business

Thank you's need to be written to thesponsors of trophies. Sponsors of the trophies would have labelsidentifying them, attached to the back of the appropriate ones.

Record books will be checked at countylevels prior to district evaluation in February. The districtevaluation will be a verification process prior to sending thematerials to the state office. Check emails for proposed dates foryour prospective county.

Bachman asked teachers to consider beingmembers of the professional organization, OAAE. This is our teacherorganization that runs state activities. Members had issues as tothe amount of dues needed to join. Eighty dollars of eachdues-paying member helps pays Valerie Graham's salary. Members askedas to where all the dues money is going. Posting information as tothe benefits of this professional organization would behelpful.

No information for delegate council to bringforth.

EMIS information sheets wereavailable.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Susan Metzger
