District 7 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Thefall meeting of the District 7 Agricultural Educators was held on September 1,2005 at Licking Valley High School. The meeting was called to order @ 4:20 p.m. by President - Jeff Ellis.
- We were informed that Craig Wiget is no longer our supervisor, as Steve Gratz will be replacing him. Brad Moffit is now full-time Ag and Craig is now part-time Ag and part-time other. So any questions that you have will now be directed to Steve.
- Professional Development Presentations
- Debra Dugan - presented information on the Agri-Science Fair Contest.
- Loren Young - presented information on the State Degree changes. Here are a few of the biggest changes to point out:
- This application will now be in line with the American Degree Application.
- There are now 2 front pages with all signatures being on those rather than the end. The 2nd page will require a paragraph description of the memberŐs SAE projects.
- Pg. 8A / 8B you will now need to list Net Income but will be ignored for the State Degree but it still needs to be shown.
- For any questions please call Loren.
- Tim Turner - announced that Pioneer will be doing Demo Labs at the National Convention on Thursday and Friday. He encourages everyone to stop by and see them as they are very educational.
- John Collet - FFA Foundation
- Individual foundation drives
- Building of FFA Central Date Base On-Line
- Chevy Truck Scholarship Program
- Citrus Kick-off is October 14th
- New 2005 FFA Tractors in TSC stores
- New FFA Bears before Christmas
- Valerie Graham
- 5th Quarter - submit applications. 1st come-1st serve.
- Reminder to Pay your DUES!!
- We welcome Ryan Rismiller, Northridge to District 7.
- Secretary Report
- Moved by Rick Metzger to approve minutes. Minutes stand as read.
- TreasurerŐs Report
- Award Plaques were paid for at $485.09
- Balance is $659.09
- Moved by Susan Metzger to approve report. Report will stand as read.
- Legislative
- Any main items will now only go to the District Chairs and they will make sure that they are passed on from there.
- Camp
- Water Treatment Plant is done and working well.
- Craft building needs help to renovate for a small retreat building.
- It was suggested that camp offer 1st year students scholarships regardless if they are 1st year teachers or not.
- CDE--none
- Fruit Coordinator - Kickoff is October 14th.
- Trophies - will continue the same as in the past.
- Ethics - none
- Alumni - National Council Workshop went well!
- District Calendar was reviewed. Here are any additions:
- Nov. 15th - Ag Comm. - 4:00 p.m.
- Nov. 17th - Food Science - 4:00 p.m.
- Feb. 28th - Tractor Trouble Shooting - 3:00 p.m.
- Mar. 14th - Ag Mech - 3:00 set-up; 3:30 start time
- It was moved by Rick Metzger and 2nd by Steve Priest to ŇSet the time to cancel a contest to 3 hours before the contest is to start, and it is up to the host school to make the call. Then the host school needs to call Jeff Tilley to post it on our District website.Ó Motion Passed.
- New Rule: The Top 5 individuals can compete at state contest even if the team doesnŐt qualify.
- Ag Communications: is adding a 5th member to the team so watch for new rules coming from Nationals.
- Items for Delegate Council:
Christi Bachman reported a hurricane relief idea. They have 2 trucks donated to haulgoods down from District 7. If youare interested in participating contact Christi for more details.
- It was moved by Christi and 2nd by Rick Metzger that we pay for our own meals this year at District Evaluation.(due to low funds in the treasury.) Motion passed.
- It was moved by Steve to adjourn at 6:25 p.m., and 2nd by Amy Moore. Motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Debra Dugan
Secretary/Asst. Chair