District 7 FFA meeting at Regional Evaluations.

The meeting was called to order by Tom Holton.

New secretary, Gina Neff was elected. 
Secretary Report: Previous minutes are on the D7 website.

Treasurer Report: Balance of $6512.28.  If you are not sure if you have paid your dues for this year, email Jake Wuebben and make sure your dues are sent to Westfall

Delegate Council: OAAE award applications will be released in the next week, take time to nominate yourself or another teacher

Legislative:  Senate Bill 216- Truancy Bill.  Should not effect students for missing school for FFA events, since they are a school function.
House Bill 108 -Financial Literacy.  If it changes, there is a concern that Ag Business will no longer be counted as the senior financial course.  Its is in committee and being watched, but no updates in the past month. 

Membership: Pay your dues if not done so already.

CDE Advisory: This year for Ag Tech Mech, winner will attend the Big E  to prepare for National Convention. Current discussion is to change dates for the 2019 contest, so test would be Oct and then hold the contest in Mid Dec.  1st place would go to Nationals (have 10 months to prep) and then 2nd would go to Big E. 

If you receive an email about being part of a CDE panel, please respond either way, so that ag teachers are present when talking about CDE changes.

Ag Comm- there will be no computer practicums to do OSU remodel

If you host a County CDE- email the results to Deb.
If you host a District CDE- email the results to Deb and Tom Oglesby.  Please have these documents as an excel sheet or a google spreadsheet.

Be thinking about having more district level middle school competitions.  Bring ideas back/a decision will be made at the next meeting.

CDE Advisory will be in 2 weeks, will be virtual meeting.  Any ideas/changes we want to see need to be voted on at one of the district meetings and then taken to CDE advisory.

Camp Board, Mentorship, FFA Advisory, FFA Alumni- No update

Trophies- Check the D7 website that spelling of names is correct

No Old Business

New Business:
Welcome Ashley Butler to Danville, replaces Alyssa Bregel who went to ODE.

Rachel Scior moved that for the 2019 Regional Evaluation, the District 7 Treasurer pays the $10 lunch fee for each person who attends.  Second by Chris Turner.  Motion passed

Any fixable applications will need to be returned to Tom at East Knox on 2/8, starting at 1:30.  Will stay as late at 6:00pm.  TomÕs cell- 740-398-2110

D7 Public Speaking/Ag Sales at Amanda Clearcreek on 2/14.  Bring manuscripts with you.  Contest will start by 3pm, arrive no later than 5pm.

Ag Power exam is Wednesday, Contest is Saturday.  Contact Chris Turner with questions.

DOT will be March 7th at 4pm, Fairfield Union HS.  Will end by 5:30pm.  Be on the lookout for information from Jena Kemmer and to RSVP.