Meeting of District 7 Agricultural Educators
Ohio FFA
Center - May 20, 2020
1. Call to Order by Megan
Moorman at 3:05pm
2. Reports
a. Secretary - Gina Neff-
minutes posted to D7 website, moved by Tom Holton 2nd by Jeff
b. Treasurer - Christi Bachman-
balance 7641.27 income 611 expense 60 new balance 8192.27
moved by Tom Holton, 2nd by Cody McLain
c. Delegate Council - Megan
Summer Conference cancelled. Maybe something in fall or late
OAAE meeting June 11th
Forwarded Email with a survey
Officer elections electronically. Should have an email/info
news letter for officer elections. Watch for electronic balance
Working on website and will be able to pay dues online or in
person in the fall.
d. Legislative - Scott Sharp
Cuts coming to budget due to COVID-19, 310 billion to K-12.
Not much to be done about this. CTE funding should be safe.
e. Membership - Tom Holton
Make sure to join! OAAE is 80, all is $295 (NAAE, OAAE, ACTE,
OACTE), can google OAAE and pay online at the google site. Can print out and
mail to OAAE @ 717 E 17th Ave. The more numbers in membership, the better our
voice. Scott Sharp: Extended funds
can be used to pay your membership vs. paying out of pocket.
f. CDE Advisory - Debra Burden
Plans are being made to hold the CDEs that were postponed,
details soon, check state newsletter.
No real timeline available.
g. Camp Board - Adam Staley
From newsletter no June sessions, optimistic for July dates.
Available for other outings
No income to camp, difficult decisions are coming. Could close camp for the summer.
Looking at other options- furlough workers and may not get them back if reopen.
(Will keep Todd and maintenance) July- May have families take a vacation at
camp, 10 people- only source of income until restrictions are lifted. Todd has
offered to cut his salary in half to keep camp going.
Some federal assistance was received, but will be running
Donation from the District: Scott Sharp moved that D7 donate 2000 to FFA camp, 2nd by
Christi Bachman. Motion passes
Jeff Tilley suggests talking to other ag teachers and see if
their districts can donate money as well. May see if chapters can donate as
If camp opens, check on the possibility of chapters going
together to have their own mini camps if things lifted/allowed by the schools.
h. Mentor - Jena Kemmerer
Check email for a form to create an updated list. Reach out
if you need anything
i. FFA Advisory - Gina Neff
No update from last time
j. Alumni - Colton Kreager
No update
k. Trophies - Jeff Tilley
Will be in touch and will move forward as normal for CDEs
completed. Will look at distribution later.
3. Old Business
a. Review District Policy Guide
Wait until the fall to discuss
4. New Business
a. District Calendar
Deb Burdenhas put some dates together based on previous. Have
to wait for state dates to finalize. Will approve in the fall
b. Leadership Night 2 hosts, 1
Amanda Clearcreek, Utica, and Linden-McKinley volunteered
Rachel Scior moved for Amanda Clearcreek and Utica to
host.Tom Holton 2nd.
Gina Neff moved to amend to add that Linden-McKinley be the
alternate. Tom Holton 2nd. Amendment passes
Revised Motion passes. Amanda Clearcreek and Utica will host
leadership nights for 2020-2021, with Linden-McKinley as the alternate.
Photos of all teachers: Shared Folder
1. Working to put together an
online directory
2. Drop a picture in the shared
folder, update the list that is being shared as well
c. Items for Delegate Council
d. Items for CDE Advisory
Question: Will all contests be completed or just National
bound teams?
State Ag Sales: 2 sets of judges, big difference in scores
between the 2. Is this necessary? Teams that went feltl the order and
5. ODE Report- Questions for
a. Keys: End of course grades
are an alternative to webxam.
b. FFA celebration successful
for what it was
c. Concentrator: FY20, enrolled
in CTE course within the pathway.
If enrolled and completed 2 courses (90% OF SEAT TIME, FULL OR PARTIAL
d. Not getting a diploma- not
able to replace webxam score with a grade
e. If need to retest kids who
leave the program, may need to work with school and or career center.
f. Follow up survey reported 1
time. Will be in the last program of concentration. If kid takes 2 year of ag
in 9th and 10th grade, but not more, will need to do the follow up survey.
g. National chapter is being
done virtually, working on a plan for self paced agriscience fair review.
Tracey is shooting for July to meet for proficiency reviews. No dates have been set.
6. Adjourn
Tom Holton moves to adjourn, Jeff Tilley 2nd. Adjourned at 4:12pm.