District 7 Ag. Teachers Meeting  4-11-22  A and genda        Date: 8/24/2021

  1. Call to Order & Welcome 4:00pm- Megan Moorman
  2. Officer Reports:
  1. Secretary - Christine Balint Absent – Jeff Tilley Read Minutes from Fall meeting
  2. Treasurer - Christi Bachman - absent

Opening Balance: $6486.76

Income:  Dues from Centerburg & Mt. Vernon: $158.00

Expenses:Gift Cards for District CDE Judges:  $150.00

Closing Balance:  $6494.76

Schools that have paid this year's dues:

SE Ross





Fairfield Union




East Knox


Mt. Vernon

Moved by Scott Patrick, 2nd by Karli Grill, motion passes

  1. Delegate Council - Megan Moorman

Met in March, will be finalized April 22nd. Agenda will be coming out. It is June 7-9. 100 year banquet for OAAE on Wednesday evening of Summer Conference. Pay your dues and go to Summer Conference.

  1. Legislative - Scott Sharp

Everyone needs to be aware that funding is not frozen anymore. Be aware of how much your district should be getting. Discussion of WBL and how that will affect everyone.

  1. Membership - Tom Holton

Not present- “Pay your dues.” Please double check to make sure your dues are paid. Follow up with your treasurer’s office.

  1. CDE Advisory - Debra Burden

There was a virtual meeting in January and a meeting coming up in person in May 24th. Tom does need the soil date. We do have a rotation schedule in the new Policy Guide

2022-2023 School Year

Soils: Licking County Host

Forestry: Knox

Parli: Fairfield

Food/Job Interview: Franklin Licking

Ag Sale/Public Speaking: Pickaway Ross

Outdoor Power: Knox Richland

Ag Mech: Knox Richland

District Officer Training:

  1. Camp Board - Adam Staley

Paying off previous loans, extended oil contract. Winter meeting- idea of putting in a frisbee golf course and talking about it being world class for professional frisbee golf. Finances are steady, struggle is finding a full staff. Couple positions are open. Things down the road to think about: If you know people interested in being a camp director that would want to do it as a career. Cost is $265/camper. Head cook retired. Next 2 big goals: Frisbee golf and an endowment.

  1. Mentor - Jena Kemmerer

Topics: Tours within your county , ind district PD day during the school year, certain skills that we are lacking, webxam, go to summer conference, District 7 PD day?

  1. FFA Advisory - Jennifer Johnston
  2. Alumni - Colton KreagerNot present

  1. Trophies/Website - Jeff Tilley

All spring district contests are up to date on the website. Please check names on the website.

  1. District Policy Guide Committee-Karlie Gill

Setting time for start time for CDE’s  (going to refer in New Business)

Old Business:

  1. Google Account

-active and live. Everyone should have received an invoice

  1. New Business:

  1. Items for Delegate Council

Jena Kemmerer moved that we consider other State CTSO conventions and contests to not overlap with each other.

-2nd Scott Patrick

-Motion Passes

  1. Items for CDE Advisory

Ag Mechanics & OPE Substitution

  1. Rachel Schoir moved that all team events (Ag Mechanics , Outdoor power and Diagnostics) contest align with other team events, so that there is an alternate person on the team of record that could replace an individual that is unable to attend at the state level.
  1. Chris Turner moved that we align CDE rules so that there is consistency from contest to contest, such as Job Interview can send 2 individuals instead of 1 from the district to the state level similar to Public Speaking.

-2nd by Scott Sharp,  Motion Passed

  1. Jena Kemmerer moved that we consider other State CTSO conventions and contests to not overlap with each other.

-2nd Scott Patrick, Motion Passes

  1. Items for FFA Advisory

  1. Rachel moved that all state proficiency, national chapter  and agriscience fair state finalist interviews be in person, and if they can’t be in person that they are in the afternoon after 12 to avoid state testing.

-2nd by Scott Sharp, Motion passes

  1. Member Experience Advisory Committee

Karli Grille has been nominated as the Experience Advisory Committee. Motion passed.

  1. Whitney Short & Alyssa Bregal- Work Based Learning Update, Member Experience Advisory Committee
  2. Adjourn

Rachel moved, Brandon seconded, motion passed.

Guest Speaker: ICEV- provided dinner and gave a presentation on curriculum and Ohio Industry Recognized Credentials.