2002 Fruit Sale

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Unloading the fruit is a task for all.

Cassi Slone with places baskets with care.

Sophomores kept busy 2nd period unloading apples.

Joey Adkins is a busy worker unloading fruit.

Alissa Foley takes a second to smile for the camera.

Alissa eats some profit.

Alissa has some trouble eating that fresh Ohio apple.

Wayne Strickler & Jacob Westhoven take a break after unloading.

Seniors unloading fruit.

Deanna Pontius stays warm while unloading.

Stacy Manson & Cassie Shaeffer

Unloading Navel Oranges

Rock Edgington & Devon Timmons moving fruit in truck.

Stacy enjoys moving boxes of fruit.

Tara Hite has her hands full.

Stacking Hamlin oranges

Holly Edwards carrying white grapefruit.

Jared Johnson & Alex Reid help move fruit.

Jenna Beavers moving tangerines.

Making Holiday Specials is made easier by using conveyors.

Making Holiday Specials is a time consuming job.

The freshmen 4th period made all Holiday Specials sold by the chapter.

Making Christmas Specials was the job of 5th period.

Carlos Del Angel & Ryan Fausnaugh place tangelos in the boxes.





Matt Bevard heaves a box lid to be labeled.

5th Period worked very well making the Christmas Specials.