A-C FFA Alumni Chapter Constitution
Article I – Name and Purpose
Section A: Thename of the organization shall be the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni.
Section B: Thepurpose of the organization shall be:
Section A: The Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni is a chartered local affiliate of the Ohio FFAAlumni Association that is chartered by the National FFA Alumni Association.
Section B:
Membershipshall be open to former active, collegiate and honorary FFA members, presentand former professional agricultural educators, parents of FFA members andothers interested in the FFA, upon payment of dues.
ArticleIV – Emblem
The goldFFA emblem with the word Alumni below itshall serve as the emblem of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni.
ArticleV – Executive Body
Section A: Theexecutive body of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni shall be theAmanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni Council.
SectionB: TheAmanda-Cleacreek FFA Alumni Council shall consist of up to 8 persons.
1. The immediate past FFA Alumni President.
2. The local FFA advisor(s). If the local FFA advisor(s) is/arenot dues paying member, he/she/they shall serve as ex-officio (non-voting)member(s).
3. The current FFA Alumni President whom shall be electedannually at the first meeting of the calendar year by the active membership inattendance.
4. The current FFA Alumni Vice-President whom shall be electedannually at the first meeting of the calendar year by the active membership inattendance.
5. The current FFA Alumni Secretary whom shall be electedannually at the first meeting of the calendar year by the active membership inattendance.
6. The current FFA Alumni Treasurer whom shall be electedannually at the first meeting of the calendar year by the active membership inattendance.
7. The current FFA Alumni News Reporter whom shall be electedannually at the first meeting of the calendar year by the active membership inattendance.
Section C: Allmembers of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni Council must be active members ofthe FFA Alumni, with the exception of the FFA Advisor(s), and shall serveone-year terms.
Section D: Dutiesof the officers shall be consistent with those usually appertaining to thesepositions. The treasurerŐs books should be audited by at least two members ofthe Alumni Council (excluding the treasurer) annually.
Article VI –Meetings
Section A: TheAmanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni shall meet four times per year, preferably in themonths of March, June, September and December. Additional meetings may becalled by the president or by a majority of the council members.
Section B: Aquorum shall consist of 50% of the average of the past yearŐs meetingattendance. No official business that exceeds $100 in net expenditures or thatmodifies the chapter constitution or bylaws may be approved at any meeting thatdoes not consist of a quorum as defined in this section.
Article VII –Dues
The annualdues of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni shall be recommended by the FFA AlumniCouncil and fixed by majority vote at the last meeting of the calendar year if aquorum is present. State and national dues must be paid on a calendarmembership year basis for all active FFA Alumni members.
ArticleVIII – Amendments
Section A: Theconstitution of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni may be amended or changed atany regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the active members presentproviding a quorum is met and it is not in conflict with the constitution ofthe State or National FFA Alumni Associations. Affirmation by two-thirds of those voting shall be necessaryto adopt an amendment.
Section B: Proposedamendments to the constitution of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni may besubmitted by any active member and must be in writing and received
Section C: Amendmentsto the bylaws of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni may be adopted to fit theneeds of the chapter at any regular chapter meeting by a two-thirds vote of theactive members present providing a quorum is met and that such bylaws in no wayconflict with the constitution and bylaws of the State or National FFA AlumniAssociations.