Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni Meeting
The quarterly meeting of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni was called to order by President, Alyssa Jenkins on January 28, 2018 at 5:51 P.M. There were 17 members present: Mark Francis, Megan Francis, JD Stover, Brynn Hoffman, Christian Hoffman, Ben Blosser, Dillon Mullen, Jeff Tilley, Brittany Tilley, Nick Greiner, Alyssa Jenkins, Crystal Groves, Justin Groves, Scott Sharp, Katerina Sharp, and Devon Mullen.
Officer Reports: Jeff Tilley held discussion on the Alumni's Financial report. Brittany Tilley moved to accept the officer reports. Mark Francis seconded the motion. The motion to accept the officer reports as read passed.
Committee Reports: Jeff Tilley held discussion on fundraising opportunities for the year. Brittany Tilley moved to accept the committee reports. Nick Greiner seconded the motion. The motion to accept the committee reports passed.
Special Features: None
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
á A-C FFA Update
o Jeff Tilley discussed the fall flower bulbs and fruit sale total along with proficiency awards, State & American FFA degree hopes for this year. There are lots of upcoming events for the Ag students including Louisville trip, game night, along with numerous CDE contests.
á The Ohio FFA Alumni Annual meeting is February 10, 2018.
á 2018 Meetings Dates were set as the following:
o April 8, 2018 @ 5:30 P.M location tbd
o July 8, 2018 @ 4:00 P.M. at Ben and Jenifer BlosserŐs residence
o November 18th, 2018 @ 5:30 P.M.
á Mark Francis moved to keep the re-elect the current standing officers. Scott Sharp seconded the motion. The motion to re-elect the current standing officers passed.
President, Alyssa Jenkins
Vice-President, Ben Blosser
Treasurer, Jeff Tilley
Secretary, Crystal Groves
Reporter, Katerina Sharp
á Next meeting, April 8, 2018 will be the elections for committee chairs.
Nick Greiner moved to adjourn the meeting. Mark Francis seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 P.M.