Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni Meeting Minutes
The meeting of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni was called to order by President, Devon Mullen on January 9, 2022, 7:08 PM the Tilley residence. There were 10 members present: Brittany Tilley, Jeff Tilley, Katerina Sharp, Nick Greiner, Crystal Groves, Joel Spires, Nanette Spires, Ben Blosser, Jullian Scott, and Devon Mullen.
Officer Reports: Jeff Tilley held discussion on the treasurer report. Brittany Tilley moved to accept the officer report. Nick Greiner seconded the motion. The motion to accept the officer report as read passed.
Committee Reports: Discussion was held in review of the French Fry sales and Student Scholarship’ status. Brittany Tilley moved to accept the committee reports as read. Kat Sharp seconded the motion. The motion to accept the committee reports as read passed.
New Business:
The next meeting will be March 27, 2022 at 6 P.M. at the Groves’ residence.