Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni Meeting Minutes



The quarterly meeting of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFAAlumni was called to order by President Nick Greiner on March 19, 2011 at 6:32P.M. at the Stoutsville Firehouse. There were 20 members present: JeffTilley, Nick Greiner, Angie Greiner, Brittany Pinkstock, David Sams, TylerGenders, Alyssa Jenkins, Sarah Rogers, Jon Singleton Christian Hoffman,Jennifer Blosser, Ben Blosser, Robert Blosser, Jody Blosser, J.D. Stover, MarkFrancis, Mike Ellinger, Joel Spires, Nannette Spires and Josh Cordle. There were also 2 guests present.


Minutes of the previous meeting: BrittanyPinkstock moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. David Samsseconded the motion. The motion to accept the minutes of the previous meetingpassed.


Officer Reports: Jeff Tilley went over thealumniÕs financial report. Mark Francis moved to accept the officer report aspresented. Brittany Pinkstock seconded the motion. The motion to accept theoffice report as presented passed.


Unfinished Business: None


Committee Reports: All committees presentedvarious reports. It was noted by the Fundraising Committee that there might bean opportunity to work an activity being held at the Fairfield CountyFairgrounds on August 13th. A reminder was verbally given to all annual dues paying members by theMember Recruitment & Retention Committee that annuals dues need to beturned in ASAP. The Student Scholarship Committee reported that 8 applicationshad been received and set the date for the interviews was to be April 4thstarting at 4:30 P.M. The Social Activities Committee asked for ideas for asummer trip but none were offered. The Public Relations & Community Servicehad attendees from the 2011 Ohio FFA Alumni annual meeting give a report onwhat they learned and experienced at the meeting. Jon Singleton moved to acceptall committee reports as read. Robert Blosser seconded the motion. The motionto accept the committee report passed.


Special Features: None


New Business:

Membership Incentive Proposal

o    Christian Hoffman movedto accept the membership incentive proposal. Ben Blosser seconded the motion.The motion to accept the membership incentive proposal as presented passed.

á     A-C FFA Chapter  / Ag Ed Dept. update

o    Jeff Tilley gave anupdate from the FFA and the Ag Ed Dept. A few highlights were:

¤     3rd placeindividual in the State Job Interview CDE, 1st year Jr/Sr Division

¤     2 members participatedin the State Preliminary speaking CDEs

o    There was also somediscussion of the upcoming CDEs, proficiency awards, State FFA Degreeapplicants, American FFA Degree applicants and an FFA Dance.

á     A-C School Funding andits impacts on the Ag Ed Program and the FFA

o    Jeff Tilley started adiscussion about the impacts of any proposed school levy that might be placedon the ballot in the spring. Many members joined in a lengthy discussion on thetopic and how it will affect not only the Ag Ed Program and FFA chapter, buthow it will affect other programs in the school and the school district aswhole.

á     Officer Elections

o    After a briefdiscussion, Joel Spires moved to keep all officers in their current positions.Robert Blosser seconded the motion. There was additional discussion. The motionto keep all officers in their current positions passed.

á     Next Meeting

o    Mark Francis moved tohold the next meeting at his home on June 18th at 6:00 P.M. Thiswill be a cookout and potluck meeting. Robert Blosser seconded the motion. Themotion to hold the next meeting at Mark FrancisÕs home on June 18that 6:00 P.M. passed.