Amanda-ClearcreekFFA Alumni Meeting Minutes
The scheduled meeting of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni wascalled to order by President Nick Greiner on March 31st, 2012 at 6:20P.M. in the Ag Ed classroom. There were 16 members in attendance: Jeff Tilley, Nick Greiner, Joel Spires, NanetteSpires, Jennifer Blosser, Stacey Sams, Brynn Hoffman, Tyler Genders, AlyssaJenkins, Josh Cordle, Brad Bowers, Stacey Sams, Megan Francis, Ben Blosser,Christian Hoffman, Mark Francis, and David Sams
Minutes of the previous meeting: Ben Blossermoved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Stacey Sams seconded themotion. The motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting passed.
Officer Report: Jeff Tilleydiscussed the financial report. Mark Francis moved to accept the officerreport. David Sams seconded the motion. The motion to accept the officer reportpassed.
Committee Reports:
á Fundraising Committee – Mark Francis suggested addingchili-cheese fries to the fry menu. Nick Greiner discussed the need of abuilding for fry sales at the football games.
á Social Activities – Jeff Tilley requested ideas for a summertrip if there is to be one.
á Member Recruitment & Retention - Jeff Tilley reminded thosethat needed to pay to dues that it needed to be done at this meeting ifpossible.
á Student Scholarship – Jennifer Blosser reported that scholarshipinterviews had been concluded. Jennifer reported that the interview committeehad chosen three individuals to receive $500 scholarships. The scholarshipwinners will be announced at the A-C FFA Awards Banquet in May.
á Public Relations & Community Service – Jeff Tilley toldthe group that the Area 6 Special Olympics was no longer going to be held atA-C L.S.D. Jeff reported that the Special Olympics committee had variousmaterials (coolers, etc.) that they wanted the A-C FFA and/or A-C FFA Alumni tohave if a donation could be made to the Special Olympics. Jeff Tilley alsoreported that the A-C Alumni Association was sponsoring the 1stAnnual Thad Davis Memorial 5K Run/Walk as a fundraiser for the scholarshipfund. Jeff reported that the A-C Alumni Association is seeking donations forthis activity.
Christian Hoffman moved to accept the committee reports. JoelSpires seconded the motion. The motion to accept the committee reports passed.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
á A-C FFA Update
o Jeff Tilley reported on the A-C FFA,including recent CDE results, proficiency award applications, the mulch saleand the spring flower bulb sale. Jeff also reported on upcoming activities,such as the State FFA Convention, A-C FFA Awards Banquet, Top Spring FundRaisers Camping Trip and Summer FFA Camp. Jeff asked for female chaperones forSummer FFA Camp.
á Those that attended the Ohio FFA Alumni Convention reported onwhat they learned when they attended.
á Officer Elections
o Joel Spires moved to keep thecurrent officers for the next term. Mark Francis seconded the motion. There wassome discussion. Jeff Tilley moved to amend the motion by striking ChristianHoffman off of the ballot as Reporter and replacing him with Stacey Sams. TylerGenders seconded the amendment. The motion as amended passed.
¤ The 2012-2013 officers are as follows:
á President – Nick Greiner
á Vice-President – Ben Blosser
á Secretary – Crystal Covell
á Treasurer – Jeff Tilley
á Reporter – Stacey Sams
á Other Issues
o Mark Francis moved to donate $250 tothe Area 6 Special Olympics. Alyssa Jenkins seconded the motion. There was somediscussion on the issue. The motion passed.
o Mark Francis moved to donate $250 tothe A-C Alumni Association for the 1st Annual Thad Davis Memorial 5KRun/Walk. David Sams seconded the motion. There was some discussion on theissue. The motion passed.
o The next meeting is to be held onSaturday, June 9th at 6:00 P.M. at the home of Jeff Tilley.
á Mark Francis moved to adjourn the meeting. Brad Bowers secondedthe motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M.