á A-C Levy Campaign
o Eric Valentine moved to donate$50.00 for the A-C Levy campaign. Jeff Tilley seconded the motion. There wasdiscussion by Jeff Tilley and Eric Valentine. Eric Valentine amended to donate$200.00 to the A-C Levy campaign. The motion to donate $200.00 to the A-C Levycampaign passed.
á Fund Raisers
o Jeff Tilley moved to continue withthe French Fry fund raiser at A-C home football games as has already started bythe Fund Raiser committee. Amanda Cassidy seconded the motion. There wasdiscussion by Joel Spires, Nick Greiner, and Jeff Tilley. The motion tocontinue with the French Fry fund raiser at A-C home football games passed.
o Jeff Tilley moved to continueworking at the Schottenstein Center at concerts as has already been started bythe Fund Raising Committee. Amanda Cassidy seconded the motion. There wasdiscussion by Jeff Tilley and Amanda Cassidy. The motion to continue working atthe Schottenstein Center at concerts passed.
á Forklift
o Joel Spires moved to authorizecurrent repairs to the forklift. Eric Valentine seconded the motion. There wasdiscussion by Jeff Tilley. The motion to authorize current repairs to theforklift passed.
o Joel Spires moved to authorizefuture repairs to the forklift without group approval if costs are under $250.Eric Valentine seconded the motion. There was discussion by Jeff Tilley. Themotion to authorize future repairs to the forklift without group approval ifthe costs are under $250 passed.
á County Fair Athletic Booster FoodBooth
o Jeff Tilley moved to not work atthe County Fair Athletic Booster food booth on Friday night of the fair. JoelSpires seconded the motion. There was discussion by Eric Valentine, JeffTilley, Crystal Covell, Joel Spires, and Nick Greiner. The motion to work atthe County Fair Athletic Booster food booth on Friday night of the fair failed.
o Mike Ellinger moved to lookfurther into working Friday night of the fair if the FFA alumni was askedagain. Jeff Tilley seconded the motion. The motion to further look into workingFriday night of the fair passed.
á FFA Advisor Update
o Jeff Tilley provided the FFAAdvisor Updates that included updates on the greenhouse, Pelotonia bike tour,state Ag fundraising, and A-C FFA Chapter membership and misc. activities
á Next Meeting
o Jeff Tilley moved to hold the nextalumni meeting at the Stoutsville firehouse at 6 P.M. on December 13, 2009.Amanda Cassidy seconded the motion. The motion to hold the next alumni meetingat the Stoutsville Firehouse on December 13, 2009 at 6 P.M. passed.
á Issue 2
o Jon Singleton moved to have theA-C FFA Alumni endorse Issue 2 and donate $250.00 to the campaign fund. There wasdiscussion held by Eric Valentine, Jeff Tilley, and Nick Greiner. The motion tohave the A-C FFA Alumni endorse Issue 2 and donate $250.00 to the campaign fundpassed.
á Fairfield County Fair JuniorLivestock Sale
o Eric Valentine moved to spend upto $250.00 to purchase an animal at the Fairfield County Fair. Jon Singletonseconded the motion. The motion to spend up to $250.00 to purchase an animal atthe Fairfield County Fair passed. This transaction will be administered by JoelSpires.
á Canopy
o Eric Valentine moved to purchaseanother canopy. Mike Ellinger seconded the motion. There was discussion by JeffTilley. The motion to purchase another canopy passed.