Multiple Choice Identify thechoice that best completes the statement or answers the question. |
| 1. | What is the term for the junction between the head and neck that reaches fromear to ear? a. | throatlatch | b. | muzzlec. | withers | d. poll |
| 2. | If a horse is experiencing renal failure, what part of the horse’s body isnot functioning properly? a. | heart | c. | lungse. | hypothalamus | b. | kidneys | d. | brain |
| 3. | In addition to the hitch, what else is used to further attach a horse trailer toa towing vehicle? a. | hitch clip | c. | towing lightse. | tow rope | b. | brakes | d. | safety chains |
| 4. | What grain commonly fed to horses has the highest source of energy? a. | wheat | b. | oatsc. | cornd. | barleye. | rye |
| 5. | This type of horse has at least one registered parent and they are usuallycrosses between registered parents of two different breeds. a. | line bred | b. | crossbredc. | purebred | d. inbred |
| 6. | What does the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) do? a. | Inhibits follicular maturation | d. | Stimulatesestrus | b. | Stimulates follicle development | e. | Maintains pregnancy | c. | Shortensgestation |
| 7. | What disease is characterized by swollen or abscessed lymph glands, particularlythose under or behind the jaws? a. | Influenza | c. | Stranglesb. | Tetanus | d. | Encephalolyelitis |
| 8. | What type of device is used to keep horses “off pasture fences” toreduce maintenance and chance of injury? a. | electric wire | b. | barbed wirec. | high tensile | d. wovenwire |
| 9. | At weaning time, most foal six months of age should be fed a diet containingwhat protein level? a. | 8-10% | c. | 10-12%e. | 40-45% | b. | 14-141/2% | d. | 22-24% |
| 10. | What is the name for the piece of equipment that is used to clean out ahorse’s foot? a. | nippers | c. | clincherse. | hoof pick | b. | hoofknife | d. | rasp |
| 11. | If your horse ate 10 pounds of hay per day, and a 75 pound bale of hay cost$5.00. What would your hay cost be for a 30 day period? |
| 12. | What is the term for the type of shoeing job when the farrier uses the same setof shoes for a second time? a. | Re-set | c. | Re-shode. | Re-set andRe-shod | b. | Shod again | d. | Re-attached |
| 13. | What is the term used to describe a small patch of white hair located between ahorse’s eyes? a. | snip | b. | stripe | c. | stard. | blaze
| 14. | What is the name for the motion that forces food through the digestivetract? a. | Longitudinal pulses | c. | Post-perandial riseb. | Prececal contractions | d. | Peristalsis |
| 15. | How many hours of light are necessary per day to bring a mare into heat prior tonormal breeding season? a. | 8-10 hours | b. | 10-12 hoursc. | 20 hours | d. 16hours |
| 16. | What condition of the horse’s foot is compared to athlete’s foot inhumans? a. | thrush | c. | laminitise. | gravel | b. | white linedisease | d. | abscess |
| 17. | Mares usually come into heat _______ days after foaling. a. | 3 to 5 | b. | 7 to 10c. | 13 to 15 | d. 21 to28 |
| 18. | A parasite that cannot live away from the host is called what? a. | Anastomoses | b. | Endoparasitec. | Ectoparasite | d. Obligateparasite |
| 19. | Minerals that are found in small quantities in feedstuffs and are required insmall quantities in the body are typically referred to as what type of minerals? a. | Macro mineral | c. | Essential mineralsb. | Micro minerals (Trace) | d. | Non-essentialminerals |
| 20. | What type of pasture provides the greatest total amount of nutrients and alonger grazing season? a. | Mixture of grass and legume | b. | Mixture of differentgrasses | c. | Mixture of different varieties of grasses | d. | Legumes | e. | Grass |
| 21. | What aspect of colostrum makes it different from ordinary milk? a. | It is less concentrated | d. | It contains moreantibodies | b. | It is high in vitamin A | e. | It contains less antibodies | c. | It is high in vitaminC |
| 22. | What is the first part of the alimentary canal? a. | Mouth | c. | Stomache. | Large Colon | b. | Esophagus | d. | Small intestine |
| 23. | What hormone causes the mare’s cervix to become relaxed duringestrus? a. | FSH | b. | LH | c. | Oxytocin | d. | Estrogene. | PMSG |
| 24. | The simplest way to avoid errors in ration formulation is to formulate on a______ percent dry matter basis. a. | 50% | b. | 75% | c. | 85% | d. | 905 | e. | 100% |
| 25. | Where would you find a corn on a horse’s foot? a. | Heel area of the sole | c. | Commissurese. | Frog | b. | Toearea | d. | Bar |
| 26. | What is one chief form in which carbohydrates are stored in the horse’sbody? a. | Volatile Fatty Acids | c. | Lipidse. | Triglycerides | b. | Glycogen | d. | Glucose |
| 27. | A thoroughpin can be found on what area of the horse? a. | The knee | c. | The cannone. | The wither | b. | Thehock | d. | Thehip |
| 28. | Silver Dapple- a dappled chestnut with silver or white mane and tail is uniqueto what breed of horse? a. | Welsh Pony | c. | Fell Ponye. | Shetland Pony | b. | ConnemaraPony | d. | Kerry BogPony |
| 29. | Approximately 70% of the mineral content of the horse’s body consist ofwhat two minerals? a. | Magnesium & Zinc | d. | Magnesium & Phosphorusb. | Sodium &Potassium | e. | Calcium &Phosphorus | c. | Calcium & Sodium |
| 30. | What is the anatomical name of the tubular tissue that carries oxygenated bloodunder high pressure? a. | Vein | c. | Arteryb. | Capillary | d. | Vein andCapillary |
| 31. | What is the term often referring to oats with the hulls removed? a. | Oat grits | c. | Rolled oats b. | Oat groats | d. | Steam flakedoats |
| 32. | A horse that requires less feed than other horses under similar situations isgenerally referred to as what type of horse? a. | An easy keeper | c. | An outlierb. | A poor doer | d. | Geneticallysuperior |
| 33. | What is the Lutenizing Hormone (LH) responsible for? a. | Formation of the follicle | b. | Ovulation of the follicle | c. | Formation of thecorpus luteum | d. | Ovulation of the follicle and Formation of the corpusluteum |
| 34. | Toxic levels of vitamin K can cause what? a. | Rupture of the white blood cells | b. | Increase in the size of white bloodcells | c. | Decrease in the size of white blood cells | d. | Rupture of the redblood cells | e. | Rupture of the white blood cells and Decrease in the size of white bloodcells |
| 35. | What is the largest joint in the horse? a. | Hock | b. | Knee | c. | Pastern | d. | Stifle
| 36. | How long after foaling does lactation peak? a. | 1 week | b. | 2 weeksc. | 2 months | d. 4months | e. | 6 months |
| 37. | Leydig cells in the stallion are responsible for the production of at twohormones? a. | Testosterone | d. | Estrogenb. | Oxytocin | e. | Testosterone and Estrogen | c. | Cortisol |
| 38. | For proper digestive tract function, horses require a minimum of what percent oftheir body weight per day in long-stem dry matter? |
| 39. | What percent of the horse’s body weight is carried on its forehand? a. | 80% | b. | 78% | c. | 65% | d. | 40% | e. | 37% |
| 40. | What forage is a good source of vitamin E? a. | Brewer’s yeast | c. | Corne. | Barleyb. | Alfalfa | d. | Wheat midds |
| 41. | What does the girth attach to on the English saddle? a. | Dee ring | b. | Flank girthc. | Billets | d. Cantle | e. | Pommel
| 42. | What is the thought to have been the horse’s greatest contribution tohuman history? a. | Its use as food | b. | Its use as a companion | c. | Its use asincome | d. | Its use as a tool of warfare or transportation |
| 43. | On average, a mare’s gestation period is ____ days. a. | 290 | b. | 300 | c. | 336 | d. | 355 | e. | 365 |
| 44. | What is the physiological term for shortening of muscle fibers? a. | Contraction | b. | Relaxationc. | Cramp | d. Fasciculation |
| 45. | What is one of the most common disorders seen in foals, occurring in 70-80% offoals under six months of age? a. | Sleeping sickness | c. | Strangles b. | Impaction | d. | Diarrhea |
| 46. | What is the best way to stop bleeding of a leg wound? a. | leave alone to clot | c. | apply light gauzeb. | wash with water | d. | apply pressurebandage |
| 47. | What is the single most important factor affecting quality of forage atharvest? a. | plant’s variety | d. | plant’s stage of maturityb. | harvestingtechniques | e. | rate offertilization | c. | weather |
| 48. | What hoof disease is caused by hoof digesting fungi? a. | thrush | c. | founderb. | laminitis | d. | white linedisease |
| 49. | This term is used to describe a horse that is almost entirely white except forcolored areas over the ears and perhaps the eyes, chest and base of tail? a. | bald face | c. | blankete. | bonnet | b. | Indianhorse | d. | medicinehat |
| 50. | What dominant gene masks all color patterns? a. | G, for gray | c. | w. for normal colorb. | g, for no gray | d. | W, for whitecolor |