True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. |
| 1. | The most precise way to measure slope is with a transit level. |
| 2. | Uplands, terraces, and flood plains make up the three general make up the three general classes of landscapes. |
| 3. | Flooding is a severe land use limitation for lawns, gardens, and landscaping. |
| 4. | Mucks and peats have a high content of water, contain more than 20% organic matter, and when artificially drained, they tend to compress, dry, shrink, and decompose. |
| 5. | Silt is sticky and plastic when moist; it will form a flexible ribbon when presses between the fingers. |
| 6. | Surface soil texture refers to the texture of the normal plow layeror the upper 7 inches of topsoil. |
| 7. | A uniformly bright-colored soil is a sign of a soil that is well drained to excessively drained and does not have a seasonal high water table within 48 inches of th surface. |
| 8. | In mottled soils, the longer the duration of saturation, the more extensive the gray color. |
| 9. | Bedrock within 60 inches of the soil surface is not considered a limitation for basements and septic tank absorption fields. |
| 10. | Fragipans and dense glacial till can limit the function of septic tank absorption fields. |
| 11. | A good site for buildings with basements is in nearly-level or gently-sloping soils with sandy subsoil textures. |
| 12. | A septic tank absorption field should be located within 50 feet of a stream or other body of water. |
| 13. | Clayey surface soil textures are good for roads and streets because they are considered heavy soils. |
| 14. | Shallow-rooted trees should be selected for landscapes with a hard dense soil layer within a depth of 40 inches. |
| 15. | A perimeter (curtian) drain is required around some septic tank absorption fields to carry the excess effluent away. |