True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. |
| 1. | Loamy soil contains sand. |
| 2. | Soil that has a depth of 40 or more is a deep soil. |
| 3. | Dense glacial till is compact soil material that is tightly bound together and seldom found in Ohio soils. |
| 4. | Imperfectly drained soils usually have mottles of gray, yellow and brown. |
| 5. | There are four texture classes listed in the Ohio Land and Soil Conservation Scorecard. |
| 6. | The master soil horizon designated by the upper case B is substratum. |
| 7. | Three feet on rise or fall in 100 ft. of horizon distance would be a 3% slope. |
| 8. | The color of subsoil is the best indicator of air and water movement in the subsoil. |
| 9. | A claypan is a dense, compact layer in the topsoil. |
| 10. | Plant roots a require favorable balance of air and water movement in the subsoil. |
| 11. | Strip cropping with contour tillage shoud be used on uniform slopes that range from 6-18%. |
| 12. | Soils that contain many large stones or massive bedrock are referred to as heavy soils. |
| 13. | Organic matter in the surface layer of the soil tends to break the force of pelting raindrops and prevents the packing of soil and its consequent erosion. |
| 14. | There are some areas in Ohio where wind erosion can be severe. |
| 15. | A fragipan is a loamy subsoil horizon that is compact and usually shows strong mottling. |
| 16. | Percent of slope is always measured in th steepest average relief of the site. |
| 17. | Course sand or gravel is not considered a root-restrictive layer because it has good water movement. |
| 18. | Organic matter improves soil aeration. |
| 19. | Of the three primary soil particles, sand is the largest with a .002 to a .08 diameter. |
| 20. | Gully erosion channels are small enough to be covered by common tillage tools. |
| 21. | A profile is a cross section of soil from the surface downward to the parent material. |
| 22. | Clay is the smallest mineral soil particle. |
| 23. | No-till with crop residue should be used on class VI land. |
| 24. | Soil slippage generally occurs on slopes less than 12 percent. |
| 25. | Permeability refers to the ability of a soil to evaporate water. |