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2002 District 7 Urban Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


The method of observing soil profiles by using power tools to remove a vertical section of the top of a hill is called “boom howard” method.


Dense glacial till is compact soil material that is tightly bound together and seldom found in Ohio soils.


A fragipan is  a loamy subsoil horizon that is compact and usually shows strong mottling.


There are 3 general classes of landforms used in the Ohio Urban Land Judging scorecard.


Bedrock below 60” presents construction problems for buildings with basements and septic tank fields.


Three feet of rise or fall in 100 ft. of horizon distance would be a 3% slope.


The color of subsoil is the best indicator of air and water movement in the subsoil.


A claypan is dense, compact layer in the topsoil.


Slope  greater than 6% can create erosion hazards that will wash out Driveways.


Slope is a feature of the landscape that largely determines the design of a septic system.


Permeability refers to the ability of a soil to evaporate water.


Subsidence is the loss in volume that mucks undergo when they oxidize or dry.


Clayey subsoils shrink when wet and swell when dry.


Footslopes are the steeper parts of a hill between the summit and base.


Soils subject to flooding are often identified by distinct horizons or layers.


Soils with shallow depth to the water table are said to have high water tables.


When more than 60% of the subsoil immediately below the B horizon is gray, the soil should be considered as having a seasonal high water table less than 12 inches.


The fluid discharge of septic fields is called effluent.


Groups of landforms are called landscapes.


Of the three primary soil particles, sand is the largest with a .002 to .08” diameter


Soils having sandy, clayey, or muck subsoils textures have severe limitations for landscaping.


A profile is a cross section of soil from the surface downward to the parent material.


Good sites for building with basements have a seasonal high water table or bedrock with in 40 inches.


Imperfectly drained soils usually have mottles or mixtures of gray, yellow and brown.


Soil slippage generally occurs on slopes less than 12 percent.


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