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2004 District 7 Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


Land class depends only on slope.


A loamy soil forms a long, narrow ribbon.


Surface drainage is used mainly on nearly level soils.


Tiling a field changes its capability.


Chunks of subsoil material in the plow layers, indicates erosion.


A soil 20-40 inches deep over rock is moderately deep.


The “A” horizon of a soil is also considered to be the subsoil.


Clay is the smallest mineral soil particle.


Clay particles in the soil are easily seen with the naked eye.


Row crops should never be grown in class IV land.


If the subsoil is mottled above a depth of 16 inches, it is assumed that air and water movement is slow or very slow.


Somewhat poorly drained soil has poorly developed structure and is dominantly gray or gray mottled with yellowish or reddish brown.


Depth of soil is very shallow when the root restrictive layer is 10-20 inches.


A slope of 18-25 percent is considered steep.


Rill erosion is characterized by shallow channels cut into the surface layer of soil.


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