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2004 District 7 Urban Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


All upland soils are weathered in place from bedrock.


Terraces were flood plains at one time.


Sandy soils contain at least 70 percent sand.


For septic tank absorption fields, artificial drainage is needed if the seasonal water table is 30 to 60 inches below the soil surfaces.


Surface soil texture affects septic tank absorption fields more than it affects lawn, gardens, and landscaping.


All of Ohio was glaciated.


A fragipan is a layer of solid rock.


Areas with slopes over 12 percent have severe limitations for building sites.


Flood plains soils typically are older than soils on upland areas nearby.


Soil color is a good indicator of clay content.


Parent material is consolidated organic and clay material in which soil forms.


Bedrock within a depth of 40 inches for driveways and local roads would be good site with limitations easy to overcome.


Drainage should be used for lawns and gardens when the depth to seasonal high water table is 30 inches or less.


Sand is the smallest soil particle.


Flooding is considered a moderate land use limitation for buildings with basements.


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