Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true orfalse. |
| 1. | A clinometer can be used tomeasure soil texture. |
| 2. | A terrace is an old flood plainand is subject to flooding. |
| 3. | Soil texturerefers to the breakdown of components in the soil. |
| 4. | Subsoil is darker than topsoilin most soils. |
| 5. | Some flood plains are verynarrow from side to side, whereas others may extend laterally for miles. |
| 6. | Mottling indicates thepresence of a fluctuating water table. |
| 7. | Interceptor drains on slopesintercept lateral movement of water. |
| 8. | In moist soils, micropores arefilled mostly with capillary water and do not permit much air movement. |
| 9. | By USDA definition, muck andpeat are not soil textures, but soil materials that are found in some landscapes. |
| 10. | The general recommendation forseptic tanks is to not locate absorption fields with 50 of a stream or other body ofwater. |
| 11. | For the most part, soilconditions in Ohio are relatively stable. |
| 12. | Common types of soil structuresare prismatic, columnar, angular blocky, subangular blocky, platy and granular. |
| 13. | Evapotranspiration is watertranspired by vegetation and waste collection systems. |
| 14. | Clay particles are so smallthat they cannot be seen under an ordinary microscope. |
| 15. | Frost action does little damageto roads, buildings and other structures and plant roots. |
| 16. | The amount of water in the soildoes not affect stability. |
| 17. | Soil materials are commonlymanipulated to increase soil strength. |
| 18. | The average home in asubdivision produces approximately 500 gallons of wastewater per day. |
| 19. | Available water capacity is thecapacity of soils to hold water for use by most plants. |
| 20. | Septic tank absorption fieldsmust not be located closer than 100 from a water well. |