
2005 State Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


The Principal forms of soil structure include platy, prismatic, columnar, blocky, and granular.


A slope of five percent is equal to a rise of five feet over a distance of 25 feet.


Land Capability Class IIIw land that has been artificially drained should not be used for an intensive cropping system.


Erosion will not take place on land with 1 percent slope.


Lack of sufficient oxygen in a saturated soil inhibits root growth of most crops in Ohio.


Gravel is a rounded or angular fragment of rock 2 millimeters to 3 inches in diameter.


Soils that are sandy throughout the profile are always well drained.


Well-developed soils typically occur on floor plains.


Returning crop residues to the soil increases the capacity of soil to hold water available to plants.


The dominant color soils is called the “matrix” color and the less extensive color is the “mottles”.


The shorter the duration of saturation in soils, the more extensive the gray colors are.


Percolation is the downward entry of water into the surface of the soil.


A soil with a higher infiltration rate will tend to yield a lower runoff rate than a soil with a lower infiltration rate.


All flood plain soils are Capability Class V.


A soil with a clayey surface texture is more susceptible to erosion than a silty surface texture.


Topsoil generally becomes lighter colored as the amount of organic matter increases.


Management practices which are used to overcome soil limitations will change the site’s land capability class.


A soil with a uniform gray color in the soil profile is not always an indicator of seasonal saturation.


Soil tilth is an important property of the substratum.


Soil structure refers to the relative amounts of sand, silt, and clay in the soil.

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