
2005 State Urban Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


A rise or fall of our four feet in 50 feet is equal to an eight percent slope.


Glacial lake deposits are most common in northwest Ohio.


Alluvial deposits are transported, sorted, and deposited by water.


Most soils formed in lacustrine sediments are considered to be on uplands.


The presence of sand and/or gravel in the substratum of soils is an indication of a terrace landform.


Firm glacial till is virtually free of roots except along seams or widely spaced weak structural breaks.


Fragipans commonly have granular structure.


Clay is sticky and plastic when moist and cannot be seen under an ordinary microscope.


The gray streaks in the yellowish brown or brown glacial till substratum of well drained and moderately well drained soils are not mottles.


A terrace is a relict flood plain which is now above the level of modern flooding.


Fragipans commonly occur immediately under the plow layer or at 7-to-10-inch depth.


Subsidence is a property associated with a high shrink-swell potential.


The common types of soil structure are chunks and clods.


A clayey texture can contain various amounts of rock fragments.


A septic tank absorption field placed in a soil with mottling at 27 inches should have a drainage system designed and implemented to effectively lower the seasonal high water table.


Depressions occur on some terraces.


The land surface of foot slopes is usually concave.


Gravel is the largest of the primary soil particles.


Soils containing a high percentage of sand are called loamy.


In moist soil, macropores account for more air movement than micropores.

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