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1993 District 9 Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


A fragipan is a tillage tool used to break up a brittle subsurface horizon.


Installing tile in a wet soil is the only way to change the land capability.


Soil containing a high percentage of sand is called a coarse textured soil.


The color of the moist subsoil is the best indicator of air and water movement.


Rill erosion is characterized by shallow channels cut into the surface layer of the soil.


Coarse sand and gravel is considered a restrictive layer since the roots cannot penetrate it readily.


Depth of the soil pertains to the top 7 inches of topsoil.


The plow layer may consist entirely of subsoil.


Slope refers to the number of feet of vertical rise or fall in each 100 feet of horizontal distance.


Class III land may be row cropped intensively.


Water constitutes a restrictive layer.


Sheet erosion is mostly caused by splash from raindrops.


Grass waterways are used mostly on class I land.


A fine textured soil will have a floury feel.


Class V land should be used for woodland or wildlife habitat.


Lime and fertilizer can be applied to class I-IV land.


A matrix is a series of irregular color patterns in the subsoil.


Topsoil can usually be distinguished from subsoil based on color.


A soil profile is nearly the same as a soil horizon.


The “C” horizon is usually considered the subsoil.


Class VIII land can only be determined by the erosion or depth of topsoil.


Soil tilth refers to the workability of the soil.


Soils which contain many large stones is considered a heavy soil.


A very shallow soil consists of a restrictive layer less that 10 inches.


Land is one of our most valuable natural resources and covers about 25% of the earth’s surface.


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