
2006 Ohio State Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.


The “A” horizon contains the surface and subsurface layers.


A slope of five percent is equal to a rise of five feet over a distance of 50 feet.


Rill erosion is caused by water in a slightly concentrated flow running across the landscape.


Severe erosion has 25-75% subsoil material mixed in the plow layer or the upper seven inches of original topsoil.


Soil structure has the largest influence on the water and plant nutrient holding capacity.


Clayey soil textures contain 30% or more clay.


Soils that are sandy throughout the profile are always well drained.


Coarse sand or gravel is a root restrictive layer.


Soil particles are grouped into three primary mineral or soil particle sizes.


Fragipans commonly have gray vertical seams and iron manganese oxide stains.


A shallow soil has 20 to 40 inches to a root restricting layer.


A uniform brown, yellowish brown, or reddish brown color in the subsoil indicates that the subsoil has had sufficient oxygen to highly oxidize the iron.


A high water table can effect the drainage of a soil.


The steep slope class has a slope range of 18 to 35%.


Using a soil probe is a suitable method to observe soil properties.

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