
2010 District 7 Urban Soils Test

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.


In Ohio there are more than 475 significant and unique combinations of soil conditions.


A terrace often appears as a step-like surface or bench-like surface feature between the higher uplands and lower flood plains.


Alluvium is material such as sand, silt,or clay that is deposited on land by streams.


Glacial till is a firm subsoil horizon that is hard and brittle when dry and somewhat brittle when moist.


Settling of organic soils, soils containing semi fluid layers, or materials that are dissolved in solution is called subsidence.


A rise of fall of 30 feet in 100 feet of horizontal distance is a 30 percent slope.


The presence of sand and/gravel in the substratum of soils rarely means it is a terrace landform.


A septic tank absorption field can be placed in a soil with mottling at 27 inches if a drainage system is designed and implemented to effectively lower the seasonal high water table.


Areas subject to flooding can be used as sites for lawns, gardens, and landscaping.


Gravel is the largest of the primary soil particles.


Soil slippage can create irregular soil surfaces with hummocks and depressions.


A well-developed subsoil is always present in the soils located in floodplains.


Shrink swell activity is greatest influenced by organic matter content.


Frost action is the freezing and thawing of soil moisture causing a heaving and settling of the surface soil.


A hard dense soil layer within 4 severely limits the use of a soil for septic tank absorption fields.

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