
2010 District 7 Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.


Texture of the surface soil that is very sticky when wet is called loamy.


Shale is sedimentary rock formed by hardening of clay deposits.


Land use for Class VI land is a grassland or woodland.


A slope of five percent is equal to a rise of five feet over a distance of 50 feet.


Most fields in Ohio with 5 inches of topsoil are not considered seriously effected by erosion.


A shallow soil has 20 to 40 inches to a root- restricting layer.


Silt has a sticky feel and generally holds together well.


The steep slope class has a slope range of 18-25%.


A fragipan is a compact, loamy subsoil horizon that is hard and brittle when dry.


Plant and animal matter in various stages of decomposition is organic matter.


Erosion will not take place on land with a 1% slope.


Soil tilth refers to the workability of the soil.


Mottling found in the soil is an indicator of wetness of that soil.


Course sand and gravel is a root restrictive layer.


Conservation practices where the land should be planted with adapted trees are a Class VIII land.

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