
2011 Ohio District 7 Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.


Soil that has a depth of 40 inches or more is a deep soil.


Imperfectly drained soils usually have mottles of gray, yellow, and brown.


There are 4 texture classes listed on the Ohio Land and Soil Conservation Scorecard.


Three feet of rise or fall in 50 ft. would be 3% slope.


Sand is the largest of the primary soil particles with a diameter of .002-.08mm.


The color of the subsoil is the best indicator of air and water movement in the subsoil.


A clay pan is a hard dense layer in the topsoil.


Plant roots require favorable balance of air and water for optimal growth.


Strip cropping and contour tillage should be used on uniform slopes of 6-18%.


Permeability refers to the ability of a soil to evaporate water.


Clay is sticky and plastic when moist and cannot be seen under an ordinary microscope.


Loamy soil contains sand.


Organic matter improves soil aeration.


No-till with crop residue should be used on class VI soils.


Gully erosion channels are small enough to be covered by common tillage tools.

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