
1992 Ohio State Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


The soil profile is a layer of soil having distinct characteristics produced by soil- forming processes.


The master soil horizon designated by the upper-case letter B is the substratum.


Fifteen feet of rise or fall in 100 feet of horizontal distance would represent a steep slope class.


Rill erosion is characterized by shallow channels cut into the surface layer of the soil.


A soil having 55% subsoil mixed into the plow layer or upper 7 inches of topsoil is considered moderately eroded.


The relative amounts of the primary mineral particles of the soil largely determine water and plant nutrient holding capacity and tilth.


Soil depth refers to the relative thickness of the topsoil.


Coarse sand or gravel is not considered root restrictive since it may be easily penetrated by roots.


Installing drain tile in saturated soils that have poor soil structure and dense compact subsoil will provide satisfactorily drainage for farming.


A fragipan is a tillage implement used to break up a loamy, brittle, subsurface horizon.


Lime and fertilizer should be applied at rates higher than test results recommend on sandy and gravelly soils since these soils leach nutrients at faster rates.


Installing drainage tile in wet soils is a good way to change the land capability class.


A very shallow soil is less than 10 inches to a root restrictive layer.


The best indicator of air and water movement in the subsoil is its color when moist.


Dominantly gray subsoil with some brown mottling between 16 and 40 inches indicates a moderately well drained natural drainage class.


Land is one of our most valuable natural resources and covers about 25% of the earth’s surface.


Contouring is most effective on class III land having slopes up to 6% and that is somewhat poorly drained.


Nearly level Land Capability Classes II and III soils, when drained, can be row cropped intensively.


Land in classes V through VIII should be used only for permanent vegetation.


Percent of slope can be measured with any of the three following instruments: clinometer, Abney level, or transit.


Of the three primary soil particles, silt particles are the smallest.


Soil tilth refers to the workability of the soil.


Irregular color patterns or mixtures of colors in the subsoil is called a matrix.


A loamy soil forms a long, thin ribbon when pressed between the thumb and index finger.


Soils that contain many large stones are referred to as heavy soils.

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