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1994 District 7 Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


Silt is the smallest soil particle.


Soil Structure is the arrangement of the primary soil particles into aggregates.


Class IV land may be row cropped moderately.


The most intensive use of a soil with a very shallow depth is as a permanent pasture.


Soil texture is the relative proportions of sand, silt,and clay particles in the soil.


Crop residues plowed under tend to improve the structure and tilth.


Class II land, because of drainage, can be tiled and raised to Class I land.


The best indicator of air and water movement in the subsoil is its color when moist.


Fields with seven or more inches of topsoil are usually not considered seriously affected by erosion.


Rill erosion channels are too large to cross with normal tillage tools.


Soil texture determines the water and plant nutrient holding capacity of the soil.


Well drained or moderately well drained soils have no mottling above 16 inches.


Class VII land should be used for wildlife food and cover.


The C horizon is also referred to as the substratum.


A soil horizon is a cross section of the soil from the surface down to the parent material.


Fragipans usually show strong mottling.


Loamy soils usually feel smooth.


Swampy or very frequently flooded soils generally have no strongly developed soil horizons.


Conservation tillage should be practiced on Classes I, II, III, and IV land.


Contouring should be used on 2 to 6% slopes that are somewhat poorly drained.


Course sand or gravel is considered a root restrictive layer.


Class VI land may be row cropped occasionally if contour strips are used.


Topsoil becomes darker as organic matter increases.


The textural triangle contains twelve specific soil textures.


Root growth is inhibited in saturated soils from lack of oxygen.


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