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1999 District 7 Rural Soils Test

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


Mottling in the subsoil is an indicator of wetness.


Contouring is needed on land with 2-6% slope.


Clay is the smallest soil particle.


A soil profile is a cross section of the soil showing the A,B, and C horizons.


The plow layer is the upper 7” of soil.


Contour strip cropping should be used on land with 6-12% slope.


Class 5 and 6 land should be used for pasture.


Lime and fertilizer should be applied as indicated by soil tests for crop and pasture land.


Organic matter lightens the color of the topsoil.


The C horizon is the subsoil.


The frequent flooding occurs on class 5 land.


Erosion will not occur on land with 1% slope.


Erosion that occurs evenly over a field is sheet erosion.


A frigipan is not a hard dense layer.


Conservation tillage is only used on class 2 & 3 land.


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