True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. |
| 1. | Percent slope is defined as feet fall or rise in 200 feet. |
| 2. | Soil texture refers to the aggregation of soil mineral particles. |
| 3. | Clay is the smallest mineral soil particle. |
| 4. | Loamy soils contain sand |
| 5. | A clayey textured soil may contain sand in the mineral mixture. |
| 6. | A profile is a cross section of soil from the surface downward. |
| 7. | Most fields with 5 inches of topsoil are not considered eroded. |
| 8. | A present topsoil which has 25 to 75% of subsoil material mixed with the original topsoil material is moderately eroded. |
| 9. | Erosion will not take place on land with 1.5% slope. |
| 10. | Coarse sand and gravel, occurring as a thick layer in the soil profile, are considered restrictive to root growth. |
| 11. | A fragipan is a layer of solid rock. |
| 12. | There are four soil depth classes. |
| 13. | Soil that has a depth of 40 or more is a deep soil. |
| 14. | Soil tilth refers to the workability of soil. |
| 15. | An intensive cropping system can be used only on class I land. |
Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. |
| 16. | The darker color of topsoil is usually caused by: a. | The organic matter in the soil | c. | Soil texture | b. | Oxidation of soil minerals | | | | | | | |
| 17. | Irregular color patterns or mixtures of colors in the subsoil are called: a. | Restricted | b. | Oxidation | c. | Mottling | | | | | | | |
| 18. | A somewhat poorly drained soil usually has a subsoil which is: a. | Bight and uniform in color | b. | Splotched with a mixture of gray, yellow, or brown | c. | Red in color | | | |
| 19. | Crop residues plowed under improve: a. | Soil tilth | b. | Soil drainage | c. | Soil texture | | | | | | | |
| 20. | An intensive cropping system is where: a. | Sod crops predominate | b. | Row crops predominate | c. | Neither predominate | | | | | | | |
| 21. | A moderate cropping system which includes row crops half the time and meadow or soil-conserving crops half the time is the most intensive cropping system that can be used on land in: a. | Class I | b. | Class II | c. | Class III | | | | | | | |
| 22. | When drain tile is installed on nearly level, somewhat poorly drained land with loamy textured deep soil, the land class: a. | Changes to Class I | b. | Changes to Class III | c. | Changes to Class II | | | | | | | |
| 23. | The depth of a shallow soil is: a. | 40 or more to a restrictive layer | c. | 10 to 20 to a restrictive layer | b. | 20 to 40 to a restrictive layer | | | | | | | |
| 24. | The minimum depth of topsoil on land with little or no erosion is: |
| 25. | Land which has a 2.5% complex slope and is well drained should have: a. | Strip cropping with contour tillage | c. | Conservation tillage management | b. | Contour tillage | | | | | | | |
| 26. | A cropping system with occasional row crops is the most intensive agricultural use that can be made of: a. | Class III land | b. | Class IV land | c. | Class V land | | | | | | | |
| 27. | Surface draining should be used on land that is: a. | Somewhat poorly drained | b. | Very poorly drained | c. | Moderately well drained | | | | | | | |
| 28. | An earth ridge or embankment constructed on a slight grade across a slope with a channel above which carries water to an outlet is a: a. | Sod waterway | b. | Diversion channel | c. | Terrace | | | | | | | |
| 29. | Strip cropping with contour tillage should be used on land that has a slope of: a. | 18 to 25% | b. | 6 to 18% | c. | 2 to 6% | | | | | | | |
| 30. | Soil should be tested for plant nutrient content: a. | Every year | b. | Every crop rotation | c. | Every six years | | | | | | | |