Multiple Choice Identify the choice thatbest completes the statement or answers the question. |
| 1. | The first vertebrates to appear on earth were_________. a. | birds and mammals | c. | amphibians and mammalsb. | birds andreptiles | d. | amphibians andreptiles |
| 2. | ______ outnumber _______ as the most common household pet. a. | Dogs, cats | c. | Fish, rabbitsb. | Cats, dogs | d. | Rabbits,hamsters |
| 3. | ____ is the science concerned with the naming and classification oforganisms. a. | Biology | c. | Taxidermyb. | Laboratory science | d. | Taxonomy |
| 4. | ___ was an ancestor of the modern bird. a. | Jurassic | c. | Bryozoanb. | Pliocene | d. | Archaeopteryx |
| 5. | Dinosaurs disappeared___ years ago. a. | 70 million | c. | 70 thousandb. | 7 million | d. | 700 million |
| 6. | On average, an estimated ____ animal bites per 100,000 people are reported peryear. |
| 7. | Lyme disease is spread via ____. a. | ticks | b. | fleasc. | fungus | d. bacteria |
| 8. | Male dogs and cats should be neutered at ___________ months of age. a. | one to three | c. | five to sevenb. | three to five | d. | seven to nine |
| 9. | Approximately ____ is spent annually to euthanize unwanted animals. a. | $10,000 | b. | $100,000c. | $1 million | d. $1billion |
| 10. | Approximately _____ million dogs and cats are born annually in the UnitedStates. |
| 11. | Approximately _____ million dogs and cats are euthanized each year as unwantedor abandoned. |
| 12. | The modern animal rights movement began in the early __________. a. | 1950s | b. | 1960sc. | 1970s | d. 1980s |
| 13. | ____ percent of the farms in the United States are family owned andoperated. |
| 14. | Approximately ____ percent of the population is involved in hunting. |
| 15. | There are an estimated _____ million pet cats in the United States. |
| 16. | There are an estimates ____ million pet dogs in the United States |
| 17. | Americans spend __________ per year on pet food. a. | $3.5 billion | b. | $6.5 billionc. | $7 billion | d. $9billion |
| 18. | Approximately _______ U.S. veterinarians work exclusively in small animalpractices. a. | 18,000 | b. | 24,000c. | 36,000 | d. 48,000 |
| 19. | Water is absorbed through the _________. a. | liver | c. | throatb. | small intestine | d. | stomach |
| 20. | Animals require less than 3% of ____ in their diets. a. | protein | c. | water b. | carbohydrates | d. | fat |
| 21. | ____ is converted to vitamin A in the body. a. | Thyroxine | c. | Caroteneb. | Vitamin C | d. | Cobalamin |
| 22. | Vertebrates require more of the mineral ____ than any other mineral. a. | fluorine | b. | sodiumc. | calcium | d. iron |
| 23. | Pellagra is caused by ________ deficiency. a. | niacin | b. | thiaminec. | cobalamin | d. vitaminC |
| 24. | The dog is probably descended from the _____. a. | fox | b. | coyote | c. | bobcatd. | wolf |
| 25. | Dogs were first domesticated ______ years ago. a. | 5,000 | b. | 10,000c. | 15,000 | d. 20,000 |
| 26. | Following whelping, female dogs need ______ times more food. a. | 1 to 2 | b. | 2 to 3c. | 3 to 4 | d. 4 to5 |
| 27. | Hip ________ is a genetic disease affecting the hips of large breed dogs. a. | Glaucoma | b. | Cataractsc. | Tetanus | d. Dysplasia |
| 28. | The first cat appeared _________ years ago. a. | 5 million | b. | 15 millionc. | 25 million | d. 35million |
| 29. | Cats were first domesticated _______ years ago. a. | 4,000 | b. | 6,000c. | 8,000 | d. 10,000 |
| 30. | There are ____ longhaired cat breeds. a. | seven | b. | thirteenc. | nineteen | d. twenty-six |
| 31. | The ____ is a hairless cat breed. a. | Burmese | c. | Egyptian Maub. | Devon Rex | d. | Sphynx |
| 32. | The _______ is a longhaired Manx. a. | Birman | b. | Cymricc. | Himalayan | d. Kashmir |
| 33. | ____ is the oldest natural cat breed in North America. a. | American Shorthair | c. | Manxb. | Maine Coon | d. | Sphynx |
| 34. | A cat’s eye is able to see in light ____ times dimmer than the human eyecan see in. |
| 35. | It takes approximately ______ months after birth for a kitten’s eyes tofully develop. |
| 36. | A male cat reaches sexual maturity at approximately ____ months of age. a. | five | b. | seven | c. | nined. | eleven
| 37. | Female cats come into heat every _____ weeks. a. | three | b. | fivec. | seven d. | nine |
| 38. | Ovulation in cats occurs _______ mating. a. | 12 hours before | c. | 12 hours afterb. | 24 hours before | d. | 24 hours after |
| 39. | An example of chemical restraint includes all of the following except: a. | barbiturates | c. | narcoticsb. | manipulation | d. | tranquilizers |
| 40. | An intact female cat is called a: a. | bitch | b. | jillc. | kitd. | queen
| 41. | The term gematuria means: a. | age of maturity | c. | decreased urine productionb. | blood in theurine | d. | mature red bloodcell |
| 42. | Which of the following is not an example of physical restraint? a. | catch pole | c. | muzzleb. | lateral recumbancy | d. | tranquilizer |
| 43. | The most commonly used rabbit in research is the a. | French Angora | c. | New Zealand Whiteb. | Holland Lop | d. | Rex |
| 44. | A “jird” or “desert rat” is more commonly known asa a. | degu | b. | gerbil | c. | hamsterd. | mouse |
| 45. | Induced ovulation is a common characteristic in all of the followingexcept: a. | cat | b. | ferret | c. | rabbitd. | dog |
| 46. | An unusual behavior seen in approximately 20% of gerbils is a. | epileptic seizures | c. | cyclic activityb. | foot stomping | d. | territorymarking |
| 47. | When breeding rabbits, which of the following scenarios is true? a. | The buck is taken to the doe’s cage for breeding. | b. | The doe is taken tothe buck’s cage for breeding. | c. | Multiple males can be housed with a singlefemale. | d. | No special accommodations are necessary. |
| 48. | Copraphagy is common in rodents and rabbits and refers to: a. | feces eating | c. | nail bitingb. | fur chewing | d. | territorymarking |
| 49. | Which of the following strains of rats are “hooded”? a. | Fisher | c. | Sprague- Dawleyb. | Wistar | d. | Long- Evans |
| 50. | Mesocricetus auratus is the scientific name for the ______ hamster. a. | Armenian | b. | Chinesec. | Djungarian | d. Syrian |
| 51. | Parturition in rabbits is called a. | farrowing | b. | kindlingc. | queening | d. whelping |
| 52. | The only commonly used laboratory rodent with cheek pouches is the a. | guinea pig | b. | hamsterc. | mouse | d. rat |
| 53. | A technique removing or blocking a gene is referred to as a. | hybrid | b. | nudec. | transgenicsd. | knockout |
| 54. | Rabbits should be fed a. | large block chow | c. | meal dietsb. | low fiber diets | d. | pelleted diets |
| 55. | Altricial young are common in a. | mice | c. | rats | b. | rabbits | d. | all of these |
| 56. | A male guinea pig is called a |
| 57. | The penis should be protruded by manual pressure to determine the sex ofthe a. | rat | c. | guinea pig | b. | mouse | d. | hamster |
| 58. | A diet deficient in which vitamin can cause the disease known as scurvy: |
| 59. | Which species has young that are born “precocious”? a. | mice | c. | rabbits | b. | rats | d. | guinea pigs |
| 60. | The study of the effects of drugs on an organ system is called a. | Biology | c. | Posologyb. | Pharmacology | d. | Scientology |
| 61. | Optimal breeding age for a female guinea pig is ________ of age. a. | 12 days | b. | 12 weeksc. | 12 months | d. 12years |
| 62. | Which of these common strains of laboratory mice are albino in color? a. | BALB/C | b. | C3Hc. | C57BL/6d. | DBA |
| 63. | Which of the following is not an example of a parenteral route of drugadministration? a. | Intracardiac | c. | Intravenousb. | Inhalation | d. | Subcutaneous |
| 64. | There are certain rules of conduct which must be followed to ensure thatexperiments involving animal use are ethical. Which of the following is not one of the ThreeR’s a. | Reduction | b. | Refinementc. | Replacement | d. Retirement |
| 65. | The committee responsible for overseeing animal research programs at a researchfacility is: a. | AVMA | b. | IACUC | c. | USDAd. | ILAR
| 66. | A kilogram equals 2.2 pounds, so a 10 kilogram Beagle weighs _____pounds. |
| 67. | The anatomical term for direction and position relating to the sole of the hindlimb is: a. | posterior | b. | palmarc. | radial | d. plantar |
| 68. | An example of involuntary muscle contraction would be: a. | bending | b. | breathingc. | flexing | d. lifting |
| 69. | Feed manufacturers stamp each feed bag with the milling date, whichmeans: a. | the date the food expires | c. | the date the bag waspurchased | b. | the date the food was made | d. | the location of the manufacturer |
| 70. | The release of the egg from the ovary is called a. | inbreeding | b. | fertilizationc. | ovulation | d. parturition |
| 71. | Substances that cause changes in chromosomes are known as: a. | toxins | b. | preservativesc. | pathogens | d. mutagens |
| 72. | A cage designed to separate urine and feces for specimen collection is calleda: a. | metabolism cage | c. | shoebox cageb. | microisolation cage | d. | gang cage |
| 73. | An occupational health program for personnel working with laboratory and wildcaught animals usually requires: a. | tetanus vaccination | c. | hepatitis vaccinationb. | per exposure rabiesvaccination | d. | all of theseare correct |
| 74. | Which of the following animals can be reared in open or nonbarrier- maintainedrooms? a. | germfree | c. | gnotobioticb. | conventional | d. | specific pathogenfree |
| 75. | Constant or frequent scratching is called a. | anorexia | b. | dyspneac. | pruritus | d. prolapse |