Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or
| 1. | It is safe not to feed the fish
for up to 2 weeks.
| 2. | The rule of thumb for stocking
a tank is one inch of fish per gallon is the best way to determine adequate stocking
| 3. | The ratings placed on aquarium
filters are accurate to use when selecting a filter for a tank.
| 4. | Sponge filters function as
mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration.
| 5. | Aquariums and the decorations
can be sealed with any type of silicone.
| 6. | Commercial gravel doesnt
need to be rinsed before putting it into the tank.
| 7. | When evaporation occurs, both
water molecules and dissolved materials evaporate.
| 8. | Bleach is safe to use to clean
and disinfect aquariums and the ornaments.
| 9. | In a biotope aquarium, all the
fish and plants come from the same location in the world.
| 10. | If you cant do regular
water changes, then you should get an extra filter.
| 11. | Substrate should be added to
the marine tank before the rock structures to serve as a protective barrier between the rock
structures to serve as a protective barrier between the rock and glass bottom.
| 12. | It is safe to use glass
cleaners in the tank as long as you rinse the tank thoroughly.
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the
| 13. | The pH of a tank changes from
8.0 to 6.0. What is the effect on the tank? a. | The change is only 2 units more
acidic | b. | The change has no effect | c. | The change makes the tank 2 times more acidic | d. | The change is 100 times more acidic | e. | The change is 2 times more basic | | |
| 14. | Which fish is not recommended
to use in cycling a tank? a. | Neon Tetras | b. | Rosy Barbs | c. | Betas | d. | Oscars | e. | All of these are safe to use for
cycling | | |
| 15. | Where do tetras
inhabit? a. | Central America | d. | All of these are
correct | b. | South America | e. | None of these are
correct | c. | Africa | | | | |
| 16. | Which is the correct order of
the peaks of the cycle? a. | Ammonia-Nitrite-Nitrate | d. | Nitrite-Nitrate-Ammonia | b. | Ammonia-Nitrate-Nitrite | e. | Nitrate-Nitrite-Ammonia | c. | Nitrite-Ammonia-Nitrate | | | | |
| 17. | What temperature is safe for
most tropical fish? a. | 70-72 degrees
F | d. | 76-80 degrees F | b. | Up to 90 degrees
F | e. | All of these are safe | c. | 68-78 degrees F | | | | |
| 18. | ______________ and
______________ are very useful for increasing the pH and alkalinity for freshwater fish like African
Cichlids. a. | Dolomite; Crushed Coral | d. | Sand; Crushed
Coral | b. | Dolomite; Glass | e. | Gravel; Sand | c. | Gravel; Glass | | | | |
| 19. | Which tank could be considered
over-stocked? a. | A 20 gallon tank with 3 inch African
Cichlids | b. | A 20 gallon with 8 neon tetras, 2 swordtails, and 4 lemon
tetras | c. | A 20 gallon tank with 6 neon tetras, 4 swordtails, and 6 lemon
tetras | d. | A 20 gallon tank with 3 cory cats, 2 gold guoramis, and 2 dwarf
guoramis | e. | A son gallon tank with 10 zebra danios, 5 white clouds, and 8 gold
danios | | |
| 20. | When feeding a tank of mixed
herbivores and carnivores, feed the _________ first. a. | Carnivores | d. | Suckermouths | b. | Herbivores | e. | Feed all at the same
time | c. | Bottom Feeders | | | | |
| 21. | Which system requires
practically no equipment and no labor once its set up? a. | Flow through | d. | Hang on the tank type | b. | Trickle filter | e. | None of these are correct | c. | Undergravel | | | | |
| 22. | What tank shape is best for a
fish like an Angelfish? a. | Short,with more
depth | d. | Flat,skinny,but more length | b. | Tall | e. | None of these are
correct | c. | Long and skinny | | | | |
| 23. | Calcium and magnesium ion
concentrations are the determining factors in measuring _________. a. | pH | d. | Carbonate hardness | b. | Water
Hardness | e. | Ammonia | c. | Alkalinity | | | | |
| 24. | Which is not a Central American
cichlid? a. | Convict Cichlid | c. | Flyer
Cichlid | e. | Kribensis Cichlid | b. | Blue Eye
Cichlid | d. | Firemouth Cichlid | | | | | | |
| 25. | Which tank could be considered
over-stocked? a. | A 20 gallon tank with 3 four inch African
Cichlids | b. | A 20 gallon tank with 8 neon tetras, 2 swordtails, and 4 lemon
tetras | c. | A 20 gallon tank with 6 neon tetras, 4 swordtails, and 6 lemon
tetras | d. | A 20 gallon tank with 3 cory cats, 2 gold guoramis, and 2 dwarf
guoramis | e. | A 20 gallon tank with 10 zebra danios, 5 white clouds, and 8 gold
danios | | |
| 26. | Where is the ideal location in
the tank for the submersible heater? a. | In the corner of the
aquarium | b. | Horizontally at the bottom, touching the
gravel | c. | Horizontally under the filter return | d. | At the very top | e. | Anywhere in the aquarium is
fine | | |
| 27. | The formula length times width
is used for determining what? a. | Number of fish a tank can
hold | b. | Surface area | c. | Number of gallons n the aquarium | d. | Amount of gravel to use | e. | Volume of water in
tank | | |
| 28. | Which is not a genus of
tetras? a. | Hyphessobrycon sp. | c. | Synodontis
sp. | e. | Ladigesia sp. | b. | Hemigrammus
sp. | d. | Moenkhausia sp. | | | | | | |
| 29. | Why do cichlids and catfish
uproot plants? a. | They like to eat plants | d. | All of these are
correct | b. | Territoriality | e. | None of these are
correct | c. | Self-preservations | | | | |
| 30. | Which is not a characteristics
of flake food? a. | Can be fast or slow sinking | b. | Even the tiniest fish can eat them | c. | They can crumble when the fish eat them | d. | Very little waste | e. | Are often eaten before they reach the
bottom dwellers | | |
| 31. | What is the absolute minimum
for filter flow rates? a. | 2-3 times the tank volume per
hour | d. | 5-6 times the tank volume per hour | b. | 3-4 times the tank volume per hour | e. | 10 times the tank volume per
hour | c. | 4-5 times the tank volume per hour | | | | |
| 32. | Metal Halide bulbs are rated in
what way? a. | Kelvin | b. | Watts | c. | Volts | d. | Celsius | e. | Fahrenheit | | | | | | | | | | |
| 33. | ________,________, and
_________are the three types of filtration. a. | carbon; filter floss;
bioballs | d. | sponge; undergravel; sand | b. | trickle; sand;
undergravel | e. | mechanical; chemical; biological | c. | corner; hang-on-tank; box | | | | |
| 34. | How often should chemical
filtration media be replaced? a. | Every 2-4
weeks | d. | Every 8-10 weeks | b. | Every 4-6
weeks | e. | In never needs to be replaced | c. | Every 6-8 weeks | | | | |
| 35. | _________ is the chemical
attraction of molecules to the medium and their entrapment there in. a. | Filtration | d. | Biofiltration | b. | Absorption | e. | None of these are correct | c. | Adsorption | | | | |
| 36. | Trickle biomedia, rotating
biological contractors, and fluidized bed filters are forms of what type of filters? a. | Canisters | c. | Hang-on | e. | Internal power | b. | Wet-dry | d. | Sponge | | | | | | |
| 37. | Mechanical denitrators
dissociate what two atoms in nitrate molecules? a. | Nitrogen and
ammonia | d. | Nitrogen and carbon | b. | Calcium and
oxygen | e. | Nitrogen and oxygen | c. | Ammonia and
oxygen | | | | |
| 38. | To maintain an aquarium with
little technology and little labor, some aquarists: a. | Use of chemical balancers | d. | Daily 90% water changes | b. | Heavily stocked tanks with no plants | e. | Heavily planted, lightly stocked
tanks | c. | Heavily planted, heavily stocked tanks | | | | |
| 39. | Aquarium equipment should be
protected by a ________ circuit breaker or individual outlet. a. | GFI | d. | All of these are correct | b. | Standard
outlets | e. | None of these are correct | c. | Conventional
outlets | | | | |
| 40. | To get maximum plant growth,
aquatic gardeners use: a. | CO2
fertilizers | d. | All of the above | b. | Substrate
fertilizers | e. | None of these are correct | c. | Mineral
supplements | | | | |
| 41. | It is best to maximize the flow
of water across the top of the water to maximize: a. | Surface
area | d. | Filtration | b. | Gas
exchange | e. | CO2 fertilization | c. | Lighting | | | | |
| 42. | Which factor does not
contribute to the length of time it takes for the bacterial colonies to grow? a. | Water chemistry | d. | Temperature | b. | Type of
gravel | e. | How often the fish are fed | c. | Type and number of
fish | | | | |
| 43. | A _____water change should be
done_______. a. | 25%; weekly | d. | 100%; once a
year | b. | 50%; every other week | e. | 25%; every other
week | c. | 25%; once a month | | | | |
| 44. | Which trait doesnt
describe Gyrinocheilus aymonieri ( Chinese Algae Eater)? a. | Often starve to death | d. | Start off as algae-eating juveniles | b. | They can turn nasty | e. | These all describe the fish | c. | Theyre from China | | | | |
| 45. | _______and______tanks are less
likely to be ornamental in nature a. | Theme;biotope | d. | Instructional; pet | b. | Them; decorative | e. | Species; biotope | c. | Breeding; fry-raising | | | | |
| 46. | Which cichlid would be suitable
for a community setup? a. | Convict | d. | Melanochromis
auratus | b. | Kribensis | e. | Texas | c. | Zebra | | | | |
| 47. | Which of the following are
problems with cichlids? a. | They break
heaters | d. | All of these are correct | b. | They dig up
gravel | e. | None of these are correct | c. | They occasionally kill their
mates | | | | |
| 48. | Which of the following fish
should be the only fish in a 29 gallon aquarium? a. | Convict
cichlid | d. | Jack Dempsey | b. | Corydoras | e. | Oscar | c. | Guoramis | | | | |
| 49. | When an aquarium smells like
rotten eggs, what is cause? a. | Little or no oxygen in the
water | d. | Build up of nitrates | b. | Too much oxygen in the
water | e. | Build up of ammonia | c. | Build up of
aerobic | | | | |
| 50. | Which fish is not considered a
schooling fish? a. | Tetras | b. | Piranhas | c. | Cory Cats | d. | Barbs | e. | Oscars | | | | | | | | | | |
| 51. | On which continent can cichlids
not be found? a. | Europe | c. | South America | e. | Africa | b. | North America | d. | Asia | | | | | | |
| 52. | Other than other cichlids, what
type of fish would make good tank mates for cichlids? a. | Tiger barbs | d. | Discus | b. | Rainbowfish | e. | Siamese Fighting Fish | c. | Angelfish | | | | |
| 53. | Pitfalls to avoid when starting
a tank include all but the following: a. | Overfeeding | d. | new tank syndrome | b. | too much filtration | e. | getting tangled up in the technology | c. | overcrowding | | | | |
| 54. | _________ is caused by
decomposing fish wastes, uneaten food, and organic substances in the water. a. | pH | b. | Nitrite | c. | Nitrate | d. | CO2 | e. | Ammonia | | | | | | | | | | |
| 55. | What is the recommended feeding
regimen for fish? a. | small meals once a day | d. | small frequent
meals | b. | large meals once a week | e. | doesnt
matter | c. | large frequent meals | | | | |
| 56. | Which is an ABC of Osmotic
Stress? a. | We cant perceive osmotic
pressure | d. | All of these are correct | b. | Unnatural osmotic pressure kills
fish | e. | None of these are correct | c. | An chemical added to the aquarium can
change the osmotic pressure | | | | |
| 57. | Which type of fish is an
egg-burier? a. | Kribensis | d. | Zebra Danio | b. | Pristella
tetra | e. | None of these are correct | c. | Cynolebias
Killifish | | | | |
| 58. | During what stage of white spot
disease can it be treated? a. | Symptom
stage | d. | All stages can be treated | b. | Free swimming
stage | e. | there is not treatment for the disease | c. | Cyst stage | | | | |
| 59. | When treating for body fungus,
you should: a. | Salt bath for 15- 30 minutes at a potency of 2-4 ounces per
gallon | b. | Salt bath for 30-45 minutes at a potency of 1 ounce per
gallon | c. | Salt bath for one hour at a potency of 4-6 ounces per
gallon | d. | All of these are correct are acceptable
treatments | e. | None of these are correct | | |
| 60. | The female of what species
should be removed after spawning? a. | Siamese fighting
fish | d. | All of these are correct | b. | Paradisefish | e. | None of these are correct | c. | American Flag Fish | | | | |
| 61. | When medicating a tank, make
sure you: a. | treat sick fish in a different tank | d. | All of these are
correct | b. | Remove activated carbon from the
filter | e. | None of these are correct | c. | increase the amount of
aeration | | | | |
| 62. | The normal specific gravity for
most tanks range from: a. | 1.018 to
1.022 | c. | 1.026 to 1.028 | e. | 21 to 26 | b. | 1.022 to
1.026 | d. | 26 to 29 | | | | | | |
| 63. | Which saltwater fish should be
avoided by a beginner. a. | Yellow Tang
| d. | Threadfin Butterfly | b. | Lawn Mower
Blenny | e. | Coral beauty Angelfish | c. | One Spot
Rabbitfish | | | | |
| 64. | Fluorescent tubes should be
changed a. | every 2 years | d. | every 6 to 9
months | b. | every 3 years | e. | when the bulbs stop
working | c. | once a year | | | | |
| 65. | What is the currently accepted
recommended rule of thumb for stocking a saltwater aquarium? a. | 1 inch of fish per gallon | d. | 1 fish per gallon | b. | 1 inch of fish per 2 gallons | e. | 1 fish per 5
gallons | c. | I inch of fish per 5 gallons | | | | |
| 66. | Be sure that all food is
cleaned up completely within_____ of its be added to the tank. a. | 3 to 4 minutes | c. | 4 to 5 minutes | e. | 10 minutes | b. | 1 to 2 minutes | d. | 6 to 8 minutes | | | | | | |
| 67. | A ____system has a much more
generous margin of error in its stocking limits a. | Live sand | d. | Large filtration | b. | Live rock | e. | Small filtration | c. | Bare bottom | | | | |
| 68. | Small, irregular white clumps
on fishs fins, lips, or body are signs of a. | Marine ich | d. | Head an lateral line erosion | b. | Marin Velvet | e. | Lymphocystis | c. | Clownfish disease | | | | |
| 69. | Which saltwater family is
characterized by large eyes and red coloration? a. | Scorpaenidae | c. | Plesiopidae | e. | Apogonidae | b. | Holocentridae | d. | Syngnathidae | | | | | | |
| 70. | Which is not a step in curing
live rock? a. | Remove all dead or unwanted organisms with
forceps | b. | Put in a container with a power head | c. | Remove all macroalgae | d. | Remove all
sponges | e. | Drop salinity in the curing vat to between 1.012 to
1.016 | | |
| 71. | A_____ is a type of filter that
creates a mass of bubbles that collects dissolved wastes and floats them to a collection
cup. a. | Protein skimmer | d. | Power heads | b. | External power
filter | e. | Undergravel filter | c. | Canister filter | | | | |
| 72. | ______is a measure of the
buffering capacity of seawater or the concentration of carbonates and bicarbonates in the
system. a. | Carbonate hardness | c. | Alkalinity | e. | Acidification | b. | pH | d. | Salinity | | | | | | |
| 73. | To treat diseases like marine
velvet and marine ich, the first step after isolation the fish should be a. | Drop the specific gravity to between 1.010 and 1.012 | b. | Treat with citrated copper | c. | Treat with
formalin | d. | Put fish into freshwater dip | e. | Treat with methylene blue | | |
| 74. | The buffering capacity of an
aquarium will tend to__as the buffers react with acids that are produced by ongoing decay
processes. a. | Increase | d. | Fluctuates | b. | Remain the same
| e. | None of these are correct | c. | Decrease | | | | |
| 75. | If you are stung by a lionfish,
what should you do? a. | Place the wound under cold running
water | b. | Squeeze the wound to remove the venom | c. | Place the wound under hot running water | d. | None of these are correct | e. | There is not
treatment | | |