Multiple Choice Identify the choice that
best completes the statement or answers the question.
How does hunting and trapping benefit wildlife?
a. | Stimulates population dispersal due to hunting pressure | b. | Wildlife learns to
use cover to hide | c. | Helps to control populations from
overcrowding | d. | Doesn’t benefit wildlife at all |
Name the most abundant nesting waterfowl in Ohio.
a. | Wood duck | c. | Canada goose | b. | Mallard | d. | Black duck |
Mating of one male with two or more females is known as being:
a. | Polyandry | c. | Altricial | b. | Monogamous | d. | Polygamous |
Which of the following species is not native to Ohio and arrived following
European settlement?
a. | Beaver | b. | Raccoon | c. | Red fox | d. | Opossum |
What animal has the ability to alter the existing habitat to suit their
a. | Muskrat | c. | Beaver | b. | White-tailed deer | d. | Opossum |
What listed below would be an example of a Benthic Macroinvertabrate?
a. | Red Eared Slider | c. | Crayfish | b. | Horn Rimmed Glasses | d. | Rainbow Darter |
What animal would be most likely found in heavily degraded stream?
a. | Right-handed Snail | c. | Scud | b. | Left-handed Snail | d. | Caddisfly
Larvae |
What fish listed below is also called “Papermouth”?
a. | White Crappie | c. | Paddlefish | b. | Largemouth Bass | d. | Rainbow Trout |
Which one of the following fish listed is not a member of the family or
a. | Walleye | c. | Yellow Perch | b. | Sauger | d. | White Perch |
When anglers turn loose fish they have caught, they are practicing what type of
a. | Live and Let Live | c. | Slot Length Limit | b. | Catch and Release | d. | Born Free |
When building individual residential homes water can be conserved by
a. | installing very expensive equipment | c. | installing low-flow plumbing
fixtures | b. | only having one bathroom | d. | having bathroom on the ground floor |
Effective January 1, 1994 the Energy Policy Act of 1992(Public Law 102-486)
requires all new toilets produced for home use must operate on
a. | 6 gallons per flush | c. | 3 gallons | b. | 5 gallons | d. | 1.6 gallons |
Instead of replacing your toilet you could___________.
a. | fill the bottom of the tank with pebbles | b. | fill plastic
containers with water or pebbles | c. | turn down the flow of water to the
toilet | d. | fill the bottom with sand |
Gray water which comes from domestic use can be used for_______.
a. | gardening and lawn use | c. | sidewalk and street cleaning | b. | fishing pond
sites | d. | residential
homes |
A new form of landscaping that utilizes many principles of water conservation
a. | xeriscape landscaping | c. | maintenance landscaping | b. | conservation
landscaping | d. | comprehensive
landscaping |
Soil Surveys identify soils by a two or three letter mapping symbol, such as Cp
or AbC. The first two letters identify the soil series. What does the third letter identify?
a. | Depth to Bedrock | c. | Slope rang | b. | Depth to seasonal water
table | d. | Soil
fertility |
Much of Vinton County has been mined for coal. Many of the older mine sites in
the county have not been reclaimed. These sites often have large piles of poor quality coal, shale,
limestone, etc. These piles often create water quality problems. What are these waste piles
frequently called?
a. | Crusher run limestone | c. | Gob piles | b. | Bank run gravel | d. | Lump and stoker
coal |
Erosion can best be described as:
a. | The wearing away of the land surface by water or wind | b. | Plowing the soil
with tillage equipment | c. | Allowing the soil fertility to reach
dangerously low levels | d. | The addition of organic matter to the soil
surface |
The Soil Survey of Vinton County describes the permeability of Steinsburg soil
a. | Very slow | c. | Moderately rapid | b. | Moderately slow | d. | Very rapid |
Prime farmland is highly productive land that is best suited to food, feed and
forage. Which of the following soils is identified by the Soil Survey of Vinton County as
“Prime farmland”?
a. | Cp- Clify | c. | BhC- Bethesda | b. | Dy- Dumps | d. | RcE- Richland |
Which of the following is not a beneficial tool for forest management?
a. | Harvesting | c. | Gypsy moth | b. | Fire | d. | Tree planting |
Which of the following is not a detrimental effect of sedimentation from logging
sites onto aquatic organisms in nearby bodies of water?
a. | Preventing sunlight from reaching aquatic plants and preventing
photosynthesis | b. | Preventing fish from spawning or disturbing fish that are currently
spawning | c. | Fish suffocation due to lack of oxygen | d. | Fish being usable to
see through the water, preventing them from finding a mate to spawn |
A riparian buffer of unharvested trees along a perennial stream can provide what
form of protection from sedimentation?
a. | The trees do little to stop sedimentation into stream and should be
harvested | b. | The leaf litter traps sediment from flowing water and allows the water to enter the
stream free of sediment | c. | Harvesting all of these trees along a stream is
actually better for the stream, as long as heavy machinery is not permitted in the streamside
management zone | d. | Perennial streams have enough flow to quickly wash any sediment into the Ohio River
and should not be concern |
Although some natural erosion takes place in Ohio’s forests, undisturbed
forests, undisturbed forests have three primary defense against soil erosion, Which of the following
is not one of them?
a. | Leaf litter | c. | Tree root systems | b. | Tree canopy | d. | Tree bark |