Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. |
| 1. | What is ecology? a. | a complex network of living and nonliving organisms. | b. | the branch of science dealing with the complex relationships of nonliving organisms. | c. | the branch of science dealing with the complex relationships among living things and their environment. | d. | the branch of science dealing only with natural recourses. | | | |
| 2. | Ecosystems are...... a. | complex relationships among living things and their environment. | b. | complex relationships among nonliving things. | c. | natural recourses. | d. | complex networks of living and nonliving organisms in which each organisms in which each organism may be affected be the others. | | | |
| 3. | A food chain .... a. | consists of animals feeding on each other. | b. | consists of only producers. | c. | in the sequence of organisms through which food (energy)passes. | d. | consists any of nonliving organisms by which living organisms feed. | | | |
| 4. | Water cycles through the hydraulic cycle in the order. a. | condensation-soaking into the ground-condensation-transpiration. | b. | transpiration-soaking into the ground-evaporation-soaking into the ground. | c. | evaporation and transpiration-condensation-precipitation-soaking into the ground. | d. | plant absorption and run off-soaking into the ground-precipitation. | | | |
| 5. | Nitrate are used in making _________ which are the building blocks of protein. a. | grasses | b. | amino acids | c. | roots | d. | muscles | | | | | | | | | |
| 6. | The process of bacteria changing dead organisms to ammonia, then to nitrites, and finally to nitrites useful to plants is called ________. a. | photosynthesis | b. | electrolysis | c. | nitrification | d. | ammonification | | | | | | | | | |
| 7. | How are ecosystems and biotic communities different? a. | Ecosystems and communities are the same thing. | b. | A community is a system if only living organisms, but an ecosystem is a system of living and nonliving factors. | c. | They are both subject to alterations by humans. | d. | A community is a system of living and nonliving factors but an ecosystem is a system of only living organisms. | | | |
| 8. | Which of the following is usually the most limiting factor to life in an ecosystem? a. | clean air | b. | water | c. | soil | d. | solar energy | | | | | | | | | |
| 9. | Which of these agricultural practices has made it possible to meet the world food demands ? a. | the creation of wetlands | b. | deforestation to make room for cultivation. | c. | use of fertilizers and improved genetics. | d. | food production demand has actually decreased in the last years. | | | |
| 10. | Which of these medical practices has had the greatest impact in reducing death rates ? a. | the practice of bleeding patients to remove contaminated blood. | b. | The practice of routine vaccinations for known diseases. | c. | Advancements in the area of brain surgery. | d. | The practice of artificial insemination. | | | |
| 11. | _________gases and depletion of the _________are what support the theory of global warning. a. | vehicle; ozone | c. | greenhouse; ozone | b. | neon; lithosphere | d. | animal; infrared | | | | | |
| 12. | Which of the following are leading groundwater contaminates ? a. | sewage and wastes | c. | car exhaust and oil spills | b. | nitrates and pesticides | d. | cattle and hog wastes | | | | | |
| 13. | Which of the following is a positive impact of animal production on the environment? a. | methane gas production. | b. | clearing of forest for more animal production area. | c. | Replenishing grassland through grazing and manures. | d. | Clogging of water ways. | | | |
| 14. | What is no-till crop production? a. | preparing a good seedbed for crops. | b. | plowing ground, but not discing. | c. | discing ground prior to planting. | d. | the planting of seeds in the previous years crop residue. | | | |
| 15. | IPM (Integrated Pest Management ) does not utilize which of the following practices? a. | the use of biological organisms to combat harmful pests. | b. | The use of chemicals to kill pests as frequently as possible. | c. | A rotation of crops to kill specific pests. | d. | Scouting of pests to determine the type of pest and extent of damage. | | | |
| 16. | Which of the following is not an alternative fuel? a. | ethanol | b. | gasohol | c. | diesel | d. | soy diesel | | | | | | | | | |
| 17. | Photosynthesis is a process be which..... a. | consumers make their own food. | b. | plants use sunlight to break down food. | c. | plants transform the suns energy into usable energy (food). | d. | One plant community is replaced by another over time. | | | |
| 18. | The most accurate definition of soil is..... a. | A substance that farmers use that to supports plant growth. | b. | A group of minerals that are very valuable. | c. | A substance that is extracted from oil wells. | d. | A mixture of organic matter, mineral components, water, and air that supports plant growth. | | | |
| 19. | What percentage of the average soil is organic matter? a. | 45% | b. | 5% | c. | 25% | d. | 17% | | | | | | | | | |
| 20. | What soil particle holds water the tightest and has the least permeability? a. | gravel | b. | sand | c. | silt | d. | clay | | | | | | | | | |
| 21. | Soil erosion is..... a. | the movement of plants and trees under the influence of water, wind, ice, or gravity. | b. | the movement of water particles under the influence of water, wind, ice, or gravity. | c. | the movement of soil particles under the influence of water, wind, ice, or gravity. | d. | when people disturb the environment. | | | |
| 22. | Topsoil losses in the United States are 1/8 inch but the restoration rate is..... a. | 30-50 years per inch | c. | 75-90 years per inch | b. | 50-60 years per inch | d. | 400-500 years per inch | | | | | |
| 23. | What is the purpose of using impermeable clays in constructing land-fills? a. | Impermeable clays do not settle as much as other clays. | b. | To prevent leaching of household chemicals into groundwater. | c. | Impermeable clays are more conductive to plant growth. | d. | Impermeable clays are easier to find than other types of clays. | | | |
| 24. | Which of the following is not a government agency associated with soil. a. | The Federal Bureau of Intelligence. | b. | The United States Forestry Service | c. | The Natural recourses Conservation Service | d. | The Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service | | | |
| 25. | Which of the following is the best description of Class I land? a. | Moderately good land that can be cultivated and farmed Regularly, but has some important limitations. | b. | Land that may be in a frequent floodplain. | c. | Very productive land that can be cultivated with minimal erosion control measures. | d. | Land that may be severely steep, greater than 30% slope, with eroded gullies. | | | |
| 26. | According to the EPA, agricultural waste does not include.... a. | Crop residues | c. | Certain chemicals | b. | Manure | d. | Dead animals | | | | | |
| 27. | Foods that shouldnt be placed in a compost heap include..... a. | potatoes peels | b. | meats | c. | coffee grounds | d. | eggshells | | | | | | | | | |
| 28. | All of the following types of energy may be obtained from solid waste except: a. | Methane | b. | Electricity | c. | Leachate | d. | Biomass fuels | | | | | | | | | |
| 29. | Two results of decomposition in a sanitary landfill are..... a. | methane and leachate | c. | photosynthesis and leachate | b. | earthworms and humans | d. | oxygen and helium | | | | | |
| 30. | Which action will not directly contaminate groundwater? a. | Runoff from years and gardens | b. | Incinerations of domestic waste | c. | Roadside dumping of large appliances | d. | Pouring used motor oil into a storm sewer | | | |
| 31. | Which of the following is not an example of point course pollution? a. | A downstream fish kill | c. | Accidental manure spill | b. | An above ground tank leak | d. | A lagoon overflow | | | | | |
| 32. | The main federal agencies that establish agricultural guidelines for water quality are..... a. | Department of Agricultural and the Environmental Preservation Agency | b. | Department of commerce and the Soil Conservation Corps | c. | Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers | d. | National Farmers Organization and The Nature Conservancy | | | |
| 33. | In addition to nutrients, manure helps soil by..... a. | adding organic matter | c. | filling in waterways | b. | controlling grubs | d. | absorbing inorganic chemicals | | | | | |
| 34. | Which of the following is an example of alternative land use? a. | Using a field for horticultural production that was previously used as a wildfire refuge. | b. | Draining a wetland so that a shopping center may be build in its place. | c. | Converting a river bottom to a wetland for endangered water fowl that has been used for crop production for several years. | d. | All of these are correct. | | | |
| 35. | Most of the botulism cases reported in the United States are created by __________. a. | Commercial canned fruits and vegetables | b. | home preserved fruits and vegetables | c. | commercial canned meats | d. | commercial cooked food items | | | |
| 36. | Once a pesticide container is emptied, it should be rinsed out a least _______ time(s). a. | one | b. | two | c. | three | d. | four | | | | | | | | | |
| 37. | The signal word danger on a label indicates __________. a. | no toxicity | c. | moderate toxicity | b. | low toxicity | d. | high toxicity | | | | | |
| 38. | A certified pesticide applicator can _________ . a. | purchased general-use products only | b. | apply general-use products only | c. | apply and purchase restricted-use products | d. | apply and purchase general-use products | | | |
| 39. | What percentage of Americans receive water from public water systems? a. | 65% | b. | 75% | c. | 85% | d. | 95% | | | | | | | | | |
| 40. | Eighty-five percent of the irrigated land in the United States is located in _______ states. |
| 41. | How many gallons does it take to flood one acre, a foot deep (million acre-feet)? a. | 320,828 | b. | 325,828 | c. | 328,828 | d. | 330,828 | | | | | | | | | |
| 42. | What percentage of the human body is made up of water? a. | 30% | b. | 65% | c. | 75% | d. | 90% | | | | | | | | | |
| 43. | The average American uses ________ gallons of water per day. a. | 50 | b. | 90 | c. | 100 | d. | 200 | | | | | | | | | |
| 44. | The natural process of plants releasing water into the atmosphere is called __________. a. | evaporation | b. | transpiration | c. | condensation | d. | respiration | | | | | | | | | |
| 45. | Air pollutants which adhere to precipitation and falls to the earth is called..... a. | leachate | b. | acid drainage | c. | leaching | d. | acid rain | | | | | | | | | |
| 46. | Which method of disposal is the proper way to dispose of hazardous household chemicals? a. | flush chemicals down the toilet | b. | pour chemicals down the drain | c. | put chemicals in landfills | d. | dispose of chemicals at community hazardous waste retrieval events | | | |
| 47. | All municipalities must have at least which phase of waste treatment implemented to meet federal regulations? a. | primary | b. | secondary | c. | tertiary | d. | slurry | | | | | | | | | |
| 48. | What hazardous pollutant is most toxic to human lungs? a. | asbestos | b. | mercury | c. | arsenic | d. | benzene | | | | | | | | | |
| 49. | Of these air pollutants, which is the most hazardous? a. | blowing dust from wind erosion | b. | odors from animal waste | c. | pesticide aerosol from crop spraying | d. | diesel fumes from a tractor in an open | | | |
| 50. | What is the decibel (dB) threshold of pain for most people? a. | 120 dB | b. | 130 dB | c. | 140 dB | d. | 150 dB | | | | | | | | | |