AgCommunications Team places 8th in the Nation

         The Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Agricultural Communications teamplaced eighth in the nation recently while competing at the National FFAConvention.  The team consisted ofHannah Chenetski, Kelsie Sharp, Andrea Hollett, Emily Cordle and SarahVannoy.  Sarah placed 36th in theNation individually and earned a gold rating.  Hannah, Kelsie, Andrea and Emily all earned Silverratings.  This is the fourth timein the last ten years that our chapter has placed in the top ten in the nation.This is one of the FFAÕs most challenging Career Development Events.  In order to be able to compete at thenational level a team had to win their respective state competition.  There were thirty-one teams thatcompeted this year at the national contest making our 8th place finish veryimpressive.

         Thecontest consists of an eight page written project proposal with accompanyingmedia materials, a fifteen-minute audio visual presentation delivered by thegroup, an editing exercise using the proper AP style editing marks and awritten test on journalism knowledge. In addition each member also has to complete their own individual practicumexercise consisting of the following; news writing, news release, 2-minuteradio broadcast, 2-page graphic design layout and a 3-page web design layout.

         Congratulations toHannah, Kelsie, Andrea, Emily and Sarah for representing not only our school andChapter so well but also the State of Ohio. This team was coached by FFAadvisor Scott Sharp.