February Newsletter

by Matt Lamp,Reporter

FFA Meeting- The monthly Amanda Clearcreek FFA meeting will beheld in the Ag Shop on February 28th at 7:00. This meeting willinclude the annual Officer Elections so it will take longer. Anysophomore or junior who has earned their Chapter FFA Degree iseligible for a chapter office. If you are interested, contact Mr.Tilley or Mr. Sharp about applying.

Proficiency Awards- The District proficiency awards are given to membersfor exceptional work on their S.A.E. projects. The following membersare entering project books in their respective categories: NickGreiner - Turf Grass Management, Eric Valentine - Outdoor Recreation,Forage Production & Landscape Management, Bill Pontius -Agricultural Mechanical Technical Systems, Robert Blosser- Feed GrainProduction & Diversified Livestock Production, Amy Fosnaugh - AgSales and/or Service, Matt Lamp - Diversified Crop Production, CerealGrain Production ,Oil Crop Production, and Soil and Water Management,Brian Strickler - Swine Production, Jeff Cordle - Home Improvement,Michael Shaeffer - Accounting, Clayton Sharp- Beef Production, MarkFrancis- Agricultural Processing, Mike Ellinger- Forest Management,Casey Teets- Equine Science, Jenna Spires- Nursery Operations, andHeather Makarius- Poultry Production.
State & American FFADegrees- The following members areapplying for their State FFA Degrees which will be further evaluated:Nick Greiner, Amy Fosnaugh, Jeff Cordle, Mike Ellinger, RobertBlosser, and Matt Lamp. Mandy Sharp is also applying for the AmericanFFA Degree. These individuals are to be congratulated on there hardwork and dedication.
Officer Books Due - The chapter officer books are due Friday, February5th. Officer books need to be filled out by Secretary (Andrea Noll),Treasurer (Robert Blosser) and Reporter (Matt Lamp).
National FFA Week - National FFA week, February 19-26, is a specifictime of year when members nationwide strive to inform all otherstudents, teachers and the public about the National FFAorganization. Many activities will be scheduled throughout the weekwhich include Tractor Day, FFA Jacket Day, FFA T-Shirt Day and manyothers.
Miss Poorman- The Amanda-Clearcreek FFA has received a new studentteacher for the 1999-2000 school year. Miss Poorman will be assistingMr. Sharp in his Agriculture Science and Farm Management Classes fromJanuary 3rd until March 10th. Miss Poorman is a student at The OhioState University and is currently in her senior year, majoring inAgricultural Education and minoring in Production Agriculture. AtOhio State she has been in Ag Ed Society and Agronomy clubs. She wasa member of the 1999 Ohio State Collegiate Livestock Judging team.Miss Poorman also has her auctioneers license from the State of Ohio.

Miss Poorman lives on farm near Somersetwith her parents James and Joanne Poorman, brother, Jason, andsister, Jenny. On the 1000 acre family farm they raise corn, wheat,hay, and pumpkins . They also have a 100 head cow/calf operation andraise 100 feed lot cattle. Miss Poorman is very excited to be atAmanda-Clearcreek. The surroundings at Amanda are similar to her homeschool, Sheridan High School, as they are both in a rural setting.

Chapter FFA Degrees- The following members of the A-C FFA Chapterreceived their Chapter FFA Degree at the January meeting: AlishaSmith, Angela Davis, Brandy Vannoy, Chris Thorton, Eddy Cox, JenniferPhillips, Jenny Green, Jon Noll, Josh Johnson, Josh Knotts, KevinStrickler, Mark Francis, Misty Senften, Nate Timmons, Ryan Foster,Shawn Goodman, Sidney Bennett, Silas Carpenter, Tiffany Timmons, ZachMcPherson, Clayton Sharp, Shane Rickly, Coty Bodamer, and HeatherMakarius. Congratulations to all of those who received their chapterdegree.
Paper Drive- During FFA Week the Chapter is holding a paperdrive. The chapter is going to collect newspapers (not magazines).Chapter members and school district residents are encouraged to startsaving there newspapers and bring them in to the old ag shop onFebruary 22nd, 23rd or 24th. The money that is raised will be donatedto Children's Hospital, which was determined at the January meeting.
Chapter Officers- If there is any member that has received his or herChapter Degree or higher and is interested in being a chapter officerneeds to fill out the officer applications on the computers in the agroom.
Adult Ag Program- In the month of February, there are two Adult AgProgram meetings at the ag classroom. The meeting on the 16th will bepresented by Jim Pollock from the ASC Office. He will be discussingthe various government subsidy and CRP Programs. The meeting on the23rd be presented be Jim Pullins from Monsanto. He will be discussingGenetically Modified Organisms. Anyone interested is welcome to showup at 7:00 pm on those nights.