Next Meeting
Hog Roast
Ag Breakfast
The 73rd National FFAConvention - Those wishing to attendthe National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky must have turnedin their applications before Tuesday, October 3rd. The Chapter willpay for the registration and the van rental. There will be a onenight stay Short trip and a 5 night stay Long trip.
Paper Drive
Contest Info
Please remember that all members areeligible to compete in any contest, just sign up and find Mr. Sharpor Mr. Tilley for info.
The Amanda-Clearcreek FFA had 13 membersparticipate at the County General Livestock Judging contest. Thefollowing are the members of the senior division and their placing:
Kevin Strickler - 4th
Jennifer Strickler - 5th
Chris Hanes - 12th
Mark Francis - 21st
Ned Phillips - 24th
Robert Blosser - 25th
Bill Pontius - 26th
Jace Spires - 27th
Tracy Larson - 29th
Brandy Easter - 30th
Josh Parsons - 31st
Jordan Lee - 32nd
Summer Zeimer -33rd
The following are the placings for theJunior division;
Brian Bussert - 10th
Matt Tolliver - 12th
Calvin Hanes - 18th
Josh Cupp - 21st
The Rural Soils team competed at the countylevel with the team placing 2nd. The following are the individualplacings:
Robert Blosser - 4th
Mark Francis - 7th
Jace Spires - 12th
Josh Cupp - 16th
Nolan Gosset - 17th
The Urban Soils team had only 2 memberscompete. They placed as follows:
Dawn Helber - 7th
Casey Teets - 8th
Fruit Sale
Cash Awards System
Sell over 70 boxes * $50 commission
Sell 50-69 boxes * $25 commission
Sell 35-49 boxes * $10 commission
Sell 20-34 boxes * $5 commission
The overall sales person will get $75 overcommission with the second place overall salesperson receiving $50over commission. The top salesperson in each Ag. Class will get $5over commission, to be collected on ONE class only. You must sellover 20 boxes to be eligible. To attend the National Machinery Showand National Tractor Pulls in February, you must sell over 25 boxes.For every dollar you earn, you may "trade in" a dollar in cash for $2in credit for any item in the FFA Catalog. (Up to $30)
For the new members...if you sell 40 boxesyou get your FFA Jacket free! A $50 value!!
In addition to individual earnings, theChapter benefits greatly from this fund raiser. This is our biggestand most successful fund raiser of the year. It pays for our trips,contest fees, awards and many other things.
Fairfield County Fair- The Amanda-Clearcreek FFA will bedisplaying a booth at the county fair again this year. Set up will beOctober 8th and will be taken down the 15th. Bonus point will beawarded to those who help these two days. More details will beprovided in class. Those members displaying class or shop projects atthe fair will have their projects in the booth. Crop projects will bein the center of the building with other FFA Chapter's crop projects.
Reporter's Note
Thanks Again!