October 2001Newsletter

by Rachel Makarius,Reporter

Next Meeting - The next meeting of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFAchapter will be on October 22nd. The Ag Challenge after the meetingwill be corn shelling. A male and female member from each class areneeded to participate.
Ag Challenge - Once again this year, the A-C FFA is holding an AgClass Challenge, which is a competition between the freshmen,sophomore, junior, and senior students enrolled in any Ag. Ed.classes. Points are awarded to each class for various activities andachievements, such as the highest attendance at a monthly meeting,the highest overall GPA as a class, or having individuals place inthe top 10 in the state for any contest, etc. There will also be anAg Challenge activity after each monthly meeting. The activity forthe September meeting was a straw bale toss, which was won by thesophomore class, and future contests include an FFA trivia contest, avolleyball tournament, an egg toss, and other various activities.
Ag Breakfast - The October Ag Breakfast was on Oct. 4th at TeeJaye'sat 7 am. Twenty-eight students attended. The location of the AgBreakfast is voted upon at the monthly FFA meetings.
Committee Chairs - The new committee chairs for the 2001-2002 schoolyear were accepted at the September meeting. They are asfollows:

Student Development - Heather Bussert

Chapter Development -Katie Bowman

Community Development -Samantha Wiggins

Public Relations - Emilee Klamfoth

Earnings & Savings -Lindsey Turner

Recreation - Jordan Lee

Career Development Events -Mallory McMaster

Committee chairs are responsible for holdinga meeting each month with the members of their committee, where theymake decisions on matters involved in their committee area. Thecommittee chairs then prepare a report to be presented at eachmonthly meeting of the A-C FFA chapter.

Big E Contest Results- The A-C FFA General Livestock teamcompeted in the EasternRegional competition on Saturday,Sept. 16. The Eastern Region is comprised of 15 states, ranging fromOhio on the west to Maine on the north to North Carolina on thesouth. Most states send their first place team from their stateskills contest, but in Ohio, the competition in this contest is sogreat that the state sends their 2nd place team to this regionalcontest, while the 1st place team participates in the NationalCompetition.

The team consisting of senior membersMark Francis and KevinStrickler, along with 2001 graduatesJennifer Strickler and RobertBlosser, placed second overall.Kevin earned 3rd, Jennifer 7th,Robert 12th, and Mark14th place individually. This wasthe first time the A-C FFA has had a team compete in this regionalcompetition and the highest any team from the chapter has ever placednationally.

This success is due to the team's hard workand to the dedication and coaching of Mrs. Teresa Strickler. The A-C FFA Chapter would like to thankMrs. Strickler for taking time from her busy schedule to work withthese students.

COLT Conference - The COLT Conference and District Meeting wasThursday, Oct. 4th at Westfall High School. This is a leadershipworkshop that state FFA officers run to develop the leadership skillsof FFA members. Those in attendance were: Calvin Hanes, Megan Miller, Emilee Klamfoth, and SaraHoward.
Fruit Sale - The A-C FFA's annual fruit sale will begin on Oct.15th. This is our chapter's main fundraiser. It brings in the moneythat is needed to pay for the various contests, trips, and otheractivities that the chapter participates in. It is very importantthat all members of the chapter sell fruit.

If you are interested in buying fruit,please contact any member or call the school at 969-4435 Ext. 235

Fair Booth - The A-C FFA sets up a booth at the Fairfield CountyFair each year, which displays wood and electrical projects and leafscrapbooks. The booth was shown in the display barn, which is rightnext to the main entrance to the fairgrounds.
Hog Roast - The A-C FFA hog roast will be on November 7th. Thisgathering is for members and their families, and is an excellentopportunity for parents to come and meet the the Ag advisors and tolearn a little more about the Ag Ed program. Each family is asked tobring a dish: Freshmen and Sophomores a dinner item, Juniors andSeniors a dessert item. More details will be given to students inclass.
Forestry Contest - The District Forestry Contest was held on Sept. 27that Knox Woods. The A-C team placed 6th overall, withthese individual placings: JaceSpires-14th, David Thomas-33rd,Sandy Larson-35th, MeganMiller-36th, Sara Howard-38th,and Christina Kazee-48th.

The State Forestry contest was Saturday,Oct. 6th at Hocking College. The A-C FFA team placed 21st overall, withthese individual placings: SandyLarson-69th, Jace Spires-77th, MeganMiller-99th, and Christina Kazee-153rd.

Soils Contests - The County Soils contest was held atAmanda-Clearcreek High School on Sept. 25th. In Rural Soil judging,the A-C FFA placed 3rd, withMark Francis placing 4th, JaceSpires placing 7th, Ryan Foster placing14th, and Gary Hart placing 18th individually. In Urban Soil judging,A-C placed 2nd with these individual placings: Mary White-1st,Lindsey Turner-5th, EmileeKlamfoth-9th, Jennifer Evans andKatie Bowman-10th (tie), ShannaSpencer-19th, and Jennifer Zaayer-20th.

The Amanda-Clearcreek FFA would like toextend a special thanks to TomGobel Well Drilling for takingtime out of their busy schedule to dig the soil pits necessary forthis county contest. Your help is greatly appreciated.

The District Soils contest was held at AdenaHigh School on Oct. 2nd. The Rural Soils team placed 16th, withMarkranking 21st, Jace 35th, and Ryan76th individually. The Urban Soiljudging team placed 6th. Dawn Helber received16th place, along with Mary, who received19th, Emilee-28th, Lindsey-37th, andKatie-63rd place.