Monthly Chapter
The monthly chapter meeting is on Monday, September 21st, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. in the Ag. Center.  Members are required to attend and stay until the Ag. Challenge is done.  The Ag. Challenge is the Egg Toss. The Class of 2009 is now gone, so 2010 it is time to stand up and take charge, start now!!!
Tarlton Fish Fry
  The Tarlton Firemen's Fish Fry is an activity that the FFA has participated in for the past few years, starting in 2002. The Firemen put on a fish fry as a fund raiser each year where anyone in the community can come and have a sit down dinner and enjoy an all-you-can eat fish meal. The FFA members seat, serve and assist the people that come. We serve them their food, drinks and clean up after they are done. The FFA chapter volunteers to help the firemen and help out the community while having a good time.  Members that helped on June 25th were: Lyndsey Alexander, Ed Johnson, Andrew Bennett, Sam Meenach, Shala O’Hare, Emily Morgan, Madison Ball, Brandon Bresler, Justin Strittmatter, Tiffany Hayman, Matt Lamb, Daniel Quincel, Matt Wamsley, Kennedy Hardman, Aaron Miller, Brandon Hayman, Brittany Stevens and Hayley Moss.
Ag. Breakfast
  Ag. Breakfast was held on July 9th at 8 A.M. and August 6th at 8 A.M. It took place at Bob Evans on July 9th in Circleville.  On August 6th, it was held at Goodwins in Circleville.  Members that attended for July 9th were: Travis Hart, Aaron Miller, Evin Tipple, Nate Seitz, John Miller, Justin Strittmatter, Devan Picklesimer, Eddie Johnson, Ellie Johnson, Sam Meenach, Cody Brewer, Emily Cordle, Jamie Luck, Brandon Bresler, Cheyenne Jepsen and Zach Hill. August 6th, the ones who attended were: Cheyenne Jepsen, Sierra Jepsen, Kennedy Hardman, Cynthia Cruit, Aaron Miller, Teran Pinkstock, Nate Seitz, Justin Strittmatter, Mikala Blackburn, Devan Picklesimer, Jessica Henderly, Emily Cordle, Brandon Bresler, Evin Tipple, Eddie Johnson, Erin Evans, Holly Castle and Miranda Metzger.
Cross mound Park Clean-up
  On July 9th starting at 10:00 A.M., our members did a general clean-up and repair (fence & trail repair, painting benches, etc.) of the park. The park is near Tarlton on Sixteenth Road. The vandalization of the park year after year is bad.  The vandals spray paint the benches, shelter houses, and signs.  They also tear down fences and signs, so they can ride a quad or dirt bike.  We take pride in the fact that we help keep that park looking nice and safe, we just wish others would too. Those members who helped were: Eddie Johnson, Cody Smith, Sam Meenach, Brandon Bresler, Emily Cordle, Kennedy Hardman, Daniel Quincel, Ellie Johnson, Cody Brewer, Cheyenne Jepsen, Justin Strittmatter, Aaron Miller, John  Miller, Evin Tipple, Zach Hill, and Devan Picklesimer.
Summer FFA Camp
  Ohio FFA Camp is a summer camp for FFA members from across the state. The Ohio FFA Association established a state camping program on October 4th, 1941 and moved into the current facilities in 1943. There are now five sessions of regular FFA camp, of which, the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA typically attends session five. This year we took 60 members to camp, which is a record. 57 attended the 5th session, 3 that attended 4th session ( Josh Hampshire, Tyler Lewis and Seth Johnson), and 2 that attended Ohio Leadership Camp (Scott Loudermilk and Daniel Quincel) in addition to attending the 5th session. It was the highest total in the state!  Members that attended 5th session are: Morgan Baldwin, Becca Bentz, Leah Brumfield, Hannah Chenetski, Dusty Cornell, Garran Dilley, Jenna Ferguson, Jacob Genders, Tyler Genders, Jessika Harmon, Travis Hart, Brandon Hayman, Tiffany Hayman, Erin Hiestand, Michael Hite, Chancey Holbrook, Andrea Hollett, Reba Hyme, Alyssa Jenkins, Sierra Jepsen, Ellie Johnson, Seth Johnson, Ryan Kelley, Holly Kidwell, Colton Kougher, Kendra Lama, Scott Loudermilk, Jamie Luck, C.J. Mets, Aaron Miller, Jenni Miller, John Miller, Brad Minnard, Alex Norris, Brianna Parrish, Brittany Pinkstock, Chasity Pinkstock, Dillon Pinkstock, Teran Pinkstock, Kayla Porter, Daniel Quincel, Hunter Ricketts, Caitlin Robinson, Trisha Russell, David Sams, Kylea Schlosser, Nate Seitz, Kelsie Sharp, Shelby Sizemore, Ike Sowers, Ray Spence, Brittany Stevens, J.D. Stover, Tyler VanHorn, Sarah Vannoy, Aundrea Wymer & Jacob White.
Canoe Trip
  On July 28th, members canoed down the Hocking River on our annual chapter canoe trip.  Members that went were: Scott Loudermilk, Lyndsey Alexander, Madison Ball, Seth Sayre, Matt Wamsley, Josh Hampshire, Aaron Miller, C.J. Mets, Eddie Johnson, Kennedy Hardman, Cody Brewer, Teran Pinkstock, Nate Seitz, Cody Sharp and Tyler VanHorn.
Ohio Cattleman  & Poultry Association Food Booths
  On July 29th, members served food at these two booths at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. This community service project helps these commodity groups get off to a smooth start on the first day of the Ohio State Fair.  Those members were: Poultry- Brianna Parrish, Jenni Miller, Kayla Porter, Reba Hyme, Brandon Hayman, Jake Genders, Matt Wamsley, Jessica Henderly, Emily Cordle, Colleen Trapp and Miranda Metzger. Cattleman- Shala O’Hare, Kelsie Sharp, Aaron Miller, Seth Sayre, Zach Hill, Matt Shannon, Autumn Kellum, Kennedy Hardman, Hannah Carpenter, Scott Loudermilk and Cynthia Cruit.
Trap Shoot
The trap shoot in the summer was held at Mr. Sharps house after the Canoe Trip on July 20th at 6 P.M The members that attended include: Aaron Miller, John Miller, Caitlyn Robinson, Josh Hampshire, Hunter Ricketts, Cody Brewer, Eddie Johnson, Colton Kougher, Teran Pinkstock, Sam Meench, and Alex Norris. Some alumii that attended were: Josh Cordle, David Sams and Alyssa Jenkins.
Washington Leadership conference (WLC)
The Washington Leadership Conference is a 5-day conference where FFA chapter leaders from around the country have the opportunity to go to our nation's capitol while learning valuable leadership skills and experiencing personal growth.
  Those attending are chosen through an application and interview process within the chapter. The Amanda-Clearcreek FFA awards all-expense paid scholarships at the chapter banquet to the two members who have completed the interview process and have proved they possess the characteristics of future chapter leaders.
  The conference is led by an inspirational and energetic staff of past state and national FFA officers who are currently in college. This staff is usually composed of 5 to 6 people who work with the FFA members to improve their communication and leadership skills as well as supply them with vital qualities for a future career. This is done in workshops involving all attendants of the conference, in small groups and in one-on-one teaching.
  When the FFA members have to eventually depart from the Washington Leadership Conference, they know they are taking home great memories. The skills and experiences that are learned can be brought back to the home chapter to inspire and teach all FFA members how to become better leaders. The WLC is something any member with desire to achieve and should strive to attend.  Members  that attended this year were: Brittany Stevens and Andrea Hollett.
Welcome Back
FFA Students!!!
Time to get busy with more FFA activities...
Farm Science Review
     Each year  in September at London, Ohio, The Ohio State University holds the annual Farm Science Review. The review shows farmers and others interested in agriculture what new product developments have appeared in the past year. Farm and construction equipment innovations and demonstrations generally attract the most interest to those attending, from the 1-1/2 horsepower small engines used in the industry to the 400 horsepower tractors. All members of the FFA chapter have an opportunity to take a field trip the to the review. This is an excellent educational activity for all members. This year, the FFA Chapter is sending 84 members to the review on September 23rd.
Pelotonia Bike Tour
This is a bike ride that took place from Columbus to Athens this year. It was held as a fundraiser to collect money for cancer. This was sponsored by NetJets and The James Cancer Center. Over 2000 riders participated, they are collecting over 4 million dollars this year! They decided to use Amanda as their stop for lunch, on August 29th. August 28th after school our chapter spent  time setting up for the event. The 29th and 30th the FFA helped direct traffic, put bikes away, greet riders and even cheer them on as they went by. Our members helped clean- up on both saturday and sunday. It was a huge honor for Amanda to be part of this activity and we hope this activity returns next year.
 Ice Cream Social
This year the officer team came up with something new to get the freshmen more involved. They decided to hold an Ice Cream Social on September 16th at 7 P.M. EVERY FFA MEMBER was invited. There were 94 members that attended this activity.
National FFA Convention
     The National FFA Convention is an annual convention of FFA members from around the nation and abroad. It is the largest youth convention in the country. The National FFA Convention was held in Kansas City, Missouri from 1928 to 1998. It was held in Louisville, Kentucky from 1999 until 2005. The convention is now held in Indianapolis, Indiana. During the National FFA Convention, you will attend many sessions with thousands of other FFA members from all fifty states plus Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. During each session, the current national FFA officers will give knowledgeable and inspiring speeches.   During the final session, you will be able to witness the installation of the new national FFA officers, which is always an exciting time.  Also, you will have plenty of free time to attend the Career Show. The Career Show is filled with booths from companies such as: Ford, John Deere, NASA, Dewalt, most state FFA associations and many others. During your week at the National FFA Convention, you may also have the opportunity to attend one of the convention dances and a music concert hosted by the FFA.  The convention is from Oct. 21st through the 24th.  The National FFA Convention is a great experience that you shouldn't miss out on!
Upcoming Events
Fruit Sale
The Fruit sale will begin in October. All orders will be prepaid and every FFA member will have a receipt book that they will have to keep with them. This is the chapters main fundraiser and we encourage all members to participate. Fruit delivery will be in by early December.
Fall Flower Bulb Sale
Basically, this fundraiser gives the members a chance to earn money to offset the cost of the upcoming FFA National Convention, of to purchase their jacket, etc. This sale will be start in middle September.
Mark Calendars
The Hog Roast is right around the corner on November 4th. Mark your calenders!
Sorry So Late
Newsletter this month is a little late, due to adding in new addresses to the program.
County Fair
Members of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA are active in the Fairfield County Fair, the last in the state, held annually in October. Each year, members set-up a booth in the fair's FFA building where they display such projects as: electrical wiring projects, tree identification scrapbooks, woodworking projects, welding beads, grains and hay projects. Members also have the opportunity to exhibit other projects, such as market hogs, breeding rabbits, dairy feeder calves, goats, etc. The Fairfield County Fair is going to be held from October 11th through 17th.
            Soils  CDE
The Rural Soils Contest tests student knowledge and understanding of soils for agricultural usage. At present, the contest consists of a test and the judging of four soil pits. The district contest is held in a different county each year and a chapter may enter up to five team members, with the top three scores making-up the team score. A team must place in the top five in the district to proceed to the state contest, where four members comprise the team. The Urban Soils Contest tests student knowledge and understanding of soils for urban usage. The Urban Soils Contest was established in Ohio in 1977. At present, the contest consists of a test and the judging of four soil pits. The district contest is held in a different county each year and a chapter may enter up to five team members, with the top three scores making-up the team score. A team must place in the top five in the district to proceed to the state contest, where four members comprise the team. The district contest is on September 29th.
        Forestry CDE
The Forestry Contest tests student knowledge and understanding of the forestry industry. At present, this contest includes a multiple-choice general knowledge test, tree species identification, tool identification and various practicums such as timber cruising, map reading, etc.  A chapter may enter up to eight team members, with the top three scores making-up the team score, at the state level. Starting with 2003, the district contest was discontinued and considered an invitational contest and a chapter can enter an unlimited number of members. Invitationals are on September 24th. States is only a a week later on October 3rd. The members that are participating this year are: Josh Hampshire, Ike Sowers, Dan Quincel, Aaron Miller, Seth Johnson and Scott Loudermilk. Good luck!
              By: Brittany Stevens