April of 2015

by Mallory Seitz, Reporter


Next FFA Meeting

          The next monthly FFA meeting will be held on April 20th, 2015. This meeting will be in the High School Cafeteria at 7 P.M. This monthÕs Ag. Challenge will be the volleyball tournament.

Upcoming Events

Ag. Breakfast: Our chapterÕs annual Ag. Breakfast is on Friday, April 10th at 6:15 A.M. at Tee JayeÕs. Ag. Breakfast is a good opportunity for members to have a nice sit down breakfast with their family and friends.

Agricultural Communications: This contest tries the knowledge and understanding of the various forms of communication within the industry of agricultural. The contest consists of a multiple choice test, along with completing an editing exercise, and individual practicums. They are also given a scenario and the team has to come up with a media plan that is 15 pages long and present it. This yearÕs team consists of: Josie Montoney, Samantha Young and Kaylee Reed.

Environmental and Natural Resources: This contest consists of four members and their task is to solve different problems and perform different tasks related to natural resources. The team must also do a presentation about an environmental topic and present it to a panel of judges. In order to participate in this CDE a chapter must have a CDE team place in the top 5 in the state in any of the following CDE contest: Forestry, Rural Soils, Urban Solis, Nature Interpretation, or Wildlife Management.



Upcoming Contest Continued:

Greenhand Quiz CDE: The Greenhand Quiz is a contest that consists of a multiple choice test dealing with past and present information of the FFA. A chapter may enter up to eight members at the state level, and the top three scores make up the team score. The members who are participating in this CDE contest are: Noah Smith, Mikayla Hicks, Emma Dearth, Lydia Lafferty, Carlie Pieratt, Mattice Grace Hamilton, Katie Vickroy, Maya Knox, Becca Wodia, Delany Chester, Jennifer Seas, Riley McClure, Sarah Doner, Cole Kleinline, Shalyn, Brown and Jaylnn Fausnaugh.

Animal Health: This contest quizzes the students knowledge of the animal health care industry. Members have to identify tools used in the veterinary field, small animal parasites, and demonstrate various skills needed in the area of small animals. This contest has no limit on how many members can be on the team, but the top four scores are the team of record. Members who are participating in this contest are: Mikayla Hicks, Katie Vickroy, Desirae Logsdon, Susan Householder, Jennifer Seas, Izzy Lytle, Ashley Pritchard.

Aquarium Management: This CDE tests the knowledge of the members in the home aquaculture industry. Students have to identify various species of freshwater and saltwater fish, invertebrates, and equipment used with fish tanks. Members are asked to demonstrate how to set up and fish tanks. In this contest there is no limit on the amount of members who can be on the team. The team of record are the top four scores and the members on this team are: Dylan Mullen, Adrian Wymer, Austin Stai, Makinzie Garee, and Mary Schmelzer.






Upcoming Contest Continued:

Animal Management: In this contest, members need to know the species of animals and the equipment used in the pet industry. Members may be asked to identify breeds of dogs, cats, cavy, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Members must demonstrate various tasks related to the care of these animals. The members who get the top four scores will be the team of record, however an unlimited amount can participate. The students participating in this contest are: Kaylee Reed, Sarah Streets, Mallory Seitz, Kylie Friesner, Samantha Elder, Courtney Smith, Billy LÕHuillier.

212¼ Leadership Conference: This leadership conference will be held at Union Local High School on April 18th and 19th. This is an overnight leadership training activity held by State FFA Officers and influential speakers. The goal of this conference is to promote leadership in all FFA chapters, as well as meet other FFA members.

Outdoor Power Equipment: This contest will be held at Teays Valley High School on April 21st at 3 P.M. in this contest members are tested on their knowledge of small gasoline engines. The test consist of a multiple choice test and various stations ranging from installing valves to parts identification to questions dealing with lubricants. Members on this team are: Nelson Craycraft, Cody Roark and Austin Shannon.

Meats: The meats CDE State Contest is on April 25th at OSU. Students on this team include: Tyler Hopper, Desirae Logsdon, Austin Shannon. They must know the industry of meat processing. In this contest members will be tested on the placing of meat cuts, identification of cuts by species and by name. At the state level the top three scores are the team of record.

State FFA Convention: State Convention is a two-day event that is April 30th and May 1st . The convention is held at the Ohio Expo Center and is made up into many different sessions. At the sessions state officers and well-known presenters speak about previous experiences and developing leadership skills. Also during state convention is the election and presentation of the new state officers, proficiency awards for those with outstanding SAE projects and the top contest teams and individuals are recognized.  This is a good opportunity for FFA members to meet others from all over Ohio. We have many members who will be receiving awards.

Upcoming Events Continued:

Agricultural Issues: This years Ag. Issues team consists of: Carlie Krile, Emma Dearth, Samantha Elder, Sydney Stinson, Mattie Grace Hamilton and Sarah Streets. These ladies will be going to the Ohio Expo Center on April 30th to present their forum. This year their topic is Algae Blooms. Ag. Issues is where the team has chosen a topic about agriculture and present their information to a panel of judges.

Promising Young Leaders Conference: This conference is a great opportunity for students to improve their leadership skills., experience professional development, advance communication abilities, and have a blast whiling doing it. There are sessions, meet and greets with experts in a wide field of agricultural fields. This is a great experience for those in FFA.


          Past Happenings


Ag Breakfast: Our monthly Ag. Breakfast was held at Tee JayeÕs.

District 7 Officer Training: On March 11th we had our newly elected officers and assistants went to Fairfield Union High School and learned a great deal. At this training the officers learned how to be the best that they can be at their office. They also learned how to be the best leader they can be.

District Agricultural Power Diagnostics CDE: Recently two of our members participated in this contest and did well. Billy LÕHuillier and Cody Roark were our representatives for this CDE.

Equine Management: On this years equine management team the eight members include: Emmy Hollar, Joce Palombo, Ellie Tipple, Hannah Robinson, Mary Schmelzer, Cassie Brewer, Rachel Hizey, Makayla Green. Equine Management consists of being able to judge the classes of horses, identification of tack, identification of poisonous weeds, identification of forages, and judging hay. The team placed 2nd in the state on their competition on March 28th. Congratulations to these members!

Past Happenings Continued;

General Livestock: This CDE tests the studentÕs knowledge and understanding of the beef, swine and sheep industry. Each member must know the classes of beef, sheep and swine. The top three scores will be the team of record. This years team consists of: Aubrey Meenach, Carlie Krile, James Smith, Desirae Logsdon, Austin Shannon, Tyler Frazier, Megan Porter, Cole Kleinline. This years team placed 23rd in the state athe competition. 

Nature Interpretation: This years team includes: Trevor Young, Mallory Seitz, Lexie Kougher, Ruth McNight, Lilly Seifert and Jonathan Hackworth. This years team placed 4th at the state competition on March 28th. In this contest members will have to identify non-woody plants, mammals, non-game birds, equipment and plants. The practicum includes song birds and knowing animal tracks. 

Wildlife Management: This years team consists of: Kayla Luft, Josie Montoney, Haley Bigham, Ashley Pritchard, Billy LÕHuillier, Dustin Bresle, Josh Metzon and Micheal Montoney. For this contest students must identify mammals, game birds, fish and plants. Practicums for this are aging, sexing and nuisance animals. This yearÕs team placed 2nd in the state.

Poultry: Cordel Young, Johnny Lemaster, Killian Lott, Becca Woida, Megan Porter are the members for this contest. At this contest students must be able to identify meat cuts, candle eggs, judging live birds, patties, judging carcasses. There is no limit on how many people participate in this contest. The top three scores from the team will make up the team of  record. This year they placed 14th.



Past Happenings Continued;

Agronomy: The people on this team are: Austin Smith, Maddie Helse, Dylan Mullen, Devon Mullen, Susan Householder, Riley McClure and Sarah Doner. For agronomy members must identify crops, weeds (by their seeds, leaves or the whole plant) and insect pest. The test is composed of a multiple choice test and the identification.


                                    2015-2016 Officer Team

Left to Right: Carlie Krile, Sydney Stinson, Austin Smith, Josie Montoney, Billy LÕHuiller, Lexie Kougher and Mallory Seitz.