By MattieGrace Hamilton, Reporter
“”Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better .”
-Bill Bradley
District Ag Communications: The District 7 Agricultural Communications CDE was held here at A-C on January 24th. The team consisting of Lexie Kougher, Kaci Morin, Blair Farmer and Noah Smith competed very well! The team was required to give a 15 minute presentation followed up by five minutes of questions. Before the actual contest date a Media Plan was due to assess the team’s presentation topic. We are proud to announce that the Ag Comm. team placed 1st out of all teams present! The team will move on to the State competition!
Officer Books : The offices of Secretary, Reporter and Treasurer have to complete Officer Books each year and submit them into evaluation. The Secretary is required to have a complete list of Attendance for all members, minutes of all FFA meetings, agendas, as well as correspondence. The Reporter puts together a Reporter Scrapbook over the past year. The scrapbook includes news releases, newsletters, brochures from trips the chapter takes and photos with captions. The Treasurer’s Book consists of all the chapter’s spendings and financial records. The 2016-2017 Secretary is Mallory Seitz, Reporter is MattieGrace Hamilton and the Treasurer is Emma Dearth. Our officers are already hard at work and almost done completing their books! The books will be evaluated February 6th. We are so proud of you, A-C FFA Officers!
Degree Ceremony: The Degree Ceremony was held on January. Earning a Greenhand FFA Degree means you’re involved in a local FFA chapter and you have basic knowledge of the FFA. It is the first degree available in the FFA in high school. Typically, high school students earn this degree within the first year after they sign up to join the FFA. The recipients of the Greenhand FFA Degree are:Cierra Andrews, Tanner Bennett, Autumn Blankenship, Katelynn Connell, Garrett Dearth, Forrest Doersam, Dani Drum, Peyton Euliss, Alison Eveland, Miranda Fowler, Kilynn Guiler, Brooke Harvey, Kyle Hicks, Triston Hill, Paige Hinton, Denver Hizey, Seth Hoffman, Hunter Hughes, Gracie Hyme, Cort Kleinline, Bailey Knox, Cade L’Huiller, Karlee McFarland, Emmalee McGee, Isaiah McQuade, Jordan Mead, Trent Palombo,Harley Poling, Allie Poston, Ellie Sahr, Jullian Scott, Jacob Shamblin, Aaron Sharp, Sydney Sharp, Jenson Shoemaker, Sarah Smith, Trevor Spence, Olivia Storts and Ethan Wood
The Chapter FFA Degree is the highest degree a chapter can bestow on its members. It is usually awarded during the second or third year of membership. The recipients who earned this degree are:Curtis Butterbaugh, Garrett Drake, Jalynn Fausnaugh, Miranda Fowler, Jacob Green, Crystal Harvey, Sophia Horn, Bryson L’Huillier, Mason Lindsay, Kristian Lobo, Kaci Morin, Jessica Poling, Ellie Sahr, and Noah Smith. The Chapter is so proud of these members and we cannot wait to see what they do for the chapter in the future!
Ag Power Diagnostics: The Ag Power Diagnostics CDE will be held on February 4th. The Tractor Troubleshooting Contest tests a team's ability to find problems on a tractor. The contest consisted of a test and between 3 and 6 tractors that have 2 problems each. A team must be first or second in the district to proceed to the state level. Community member, Derrick Cooper, will be coaching the team this year as well as choosing the team for 2017!
State Ag Communications: State Ag Communications CDE will be held on February 11th at the Ohio State University. The team placed 1st at the District level, they will advance to the State contest! The Agricultural Communications Contest tests student knowledge and understanding of the various forms of communication within the industry of agriculture. The team consists of Lexie Kougher, Noah Smith, Kaci Morin, and Katelyn Camechis. It is a great contest for members to participate in if they wish to have a future in the Agricultural Industry.
Spring Skills CDEs: The upcoming CDEs are as follows: Nature Interpretation, Wildlife, Poultry, General Livestock, Agronomy, Equine Management, Animal Management, Veterinary Science, Aquarium Management, Cooperative Education, Outdoor Power Equipment, Meats, Ag Mechanics Ag Issues Forum, Dairy Cattle, and Environmental Natural Resources (ENR). If any A-C FFA Members is interested in any of these CDEs, please come talk to Mr. Tilley asap! Practices for these CDEs will be starting very soon, so watch your remind text messages from Mr. Tilley for more information!
FFA Meeting: The next FFA Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 21st at 7 PM in the Ag Center. This meeting will be Officer Elections, so please be prepared to stay a little longer! The Ag Challenge will be a Scavenger Hunt.
Proficiency Awards :Proficiency awards are based upon a member's Supervised Agricultural Experience Project(s). Applicants must complete and submit their project records (AET) and a detailed application. Project records are evaluated for accuracy and neatness while the applications are also evaluated for these factors plus numerous others such as the description of skills learned, supporting pictures, etc. Currently each February, applications are reviewed for accuracy at the District level and submitted to the State level for further evaluation and placing. Those applicants deemed to be in the top few (generally the top four) in the state in their respective area are then interviewed. From these final applicants, three are then selected as the top three in the state, receiving their final placing and award plaques at the State FFA Convention in May. The members who have completed a proficiency award are Lexie Kougher and Carlie Krile - Accounting, Cassie Brewer - Equine Management-Placement, Austin J. Smith - Swine Production-Placement, Sarah Doner - Dairy Production-Placement & Organic Agriculture, James Smith - Goat Production, Nelson Craycraft - Ag Mechanics Repair and Maintenance, and Desirae Logsdon - Beef Production-Entrepreneurship & Star State Farmer.
There are 6 members applying for the State FFA Degree. The State FFA Degree is given to the top members of a State FFA Association. To receive a State FFA Degree, members must meet the requirements listed in the Official FFA Manual. The members applying for this degree are: Cole Kleinline, Sarah Doner, Carlie Krile, Nelson Craycraft, Desirae Logsdon and Kayla Luft.
There are 4 members who are working to earn their American FFA Degree applications. This degree marks the highest level of membership which may be achieved in our organization. This is the most prestigious degree that the FFA has to offer. The members applying for this degree are: Desirae Logsdon, Nelson Craycraft, Devon Mullen and Adrian Wymer.
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Students are reminded to work on their SAE projects throughout the year and keep track of their activities on AET. Records will be checked so it’s important to keep them up to date! Members are required to have 20 AET entries for each month. This is always crucial for State FFA Degrees and Proficiency Awards.