Soya Festival

Every year in Amanda, thevillage hosts it's annual Soya Festival in September. TheAmanda-Clearcreek FFA sets-up a booth to promote our chapter and toserve as a display area for the top soybean plants entered in thechapter's annual Soybean Pod Contest. In the contest, the chapterlooks for the soybean plant with the most seed pods containing atleast one good seed, though three to four seeds is normal. The SoyaFestival ended in 2003.

Past year's winnersare:

1993 - Wilber Lamp

1994 - Tom Lamp

1995 -unknown

1996 - Tiffany Lamp

1997 - Garry Schooley

1998 - Matt Lamp

1999 - Matt Lamp

2000 - Jennifer Roush

2001 - Rich Lamp

2002 - Matt Lamp

2003 - Noah Blosser


Page content contributed by BrianStrickler, 1999-2000 Student Advisor.