This field day usually takes place on a Friday in April at Lake Snowden, owned by Hocking College. At this field day, students hear a brief description of what Hocking College as to offer, especially if you are planning on pursuing a career in any natural resources field. After the presentation about the college, students break into two groups: one for forestry and one for aquaculture.
The Forestry group learns many things including how to do a prescribed burn, identify trees, how to harvest timber and about managing forests in general. In the Aquaculture group, students learn how to manage a fish hatchery, how to properly care for and identify fish and how to harvest fish. At the end of the sessions, the two groups rejoin one another to eat lunch and enjoy the raffle hosted by the college. Though this event hasn't been sponsored every year, on the years that it is, the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA generally sends members of the Forestry, Wildlife Management and Nature Interpretation CDE teams.
Page content contributed by Josh Cordle, 2008-2009 Reporter