A-C FFA Alumni Chapter Bylaws

ArticleI – FFA Alumni Affiliate/Association Bylaws


Thesebylaws shall be considered a part of the constitution of the Amanda-ClearcreekFFA Alumni.


Article II – Contact Information


The contact informationfor the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni shall be:


Amanda-Clearcreek FFAAlumni

P.O. Box 29

Amanda, OH  43102

Phone – (740)969-7381

Fax – (740)969-7381

Web Address –http://www.acffa.org/alumni/alumni.html


Article III – Procedure for the Selection of the Amanda-ClearcreekFFA Alumni Officers


Section A:       Therepresentatives from each of the following areas: President, Vice-President,Secretary, Treasurer and News Reporter shall be elected by vote at the firstmeeting of the calendar year. Each member I good standing who is in attendanceat the meeting shall be entitled to vote.

Section B:        Allcouncil members shall serve a one-year term.

Section C:        Whenevera vacancy occurs on the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Council, other than fromexpiration of their terms of office, the local FFA Alumni Council shall appointa person to fill the unexpired term of office.


ArticleIV – Duties of the Alumni Council


Section A:       Itshall be the duty of the FFA Alumni Council to direct the operation of theaffiliate/association in accordance with its constitutional purposes. It shallbe responsible for planning the programs and activities in which it isadvisable for the affiliate/association to participate.

Section B:        TheFFA Alumni Council may appoint such committees necessary to further the work ofthe Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni.

Section C:        TheFFA Alumni Council should meet at least 10 minutes before each meeting to discussall items of business for the meeting.


ArticleV – Time of Meetings


Themeetings of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni shall be held at such a place andtime as may be prescribed by the local FFA Alumni Council or as was decided by thosein attendance at the previous regularly scheduled meeting.


Article VI –Fiscal Year


Section A:       Thefiscal year of the local FFA Alumni shall be from January 1st toDecember 31st.

Section B:        Financialrecords of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni may be inspected by any member orhis agent or attorney at any reasonable time.

Section C:        Thereshall be an annual audit of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni. The treasurer, oranyone authorized to handle and account for funds should be bonded insufficient amount to protect the FFA Alumni.


Article VII –Standing Committees


Section A:       Thefollowing committees shall be standing committees of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFAAlumni.

á     Fund Raising

á     Social Activities

á     Student Scholarship

á     Public Relations & Community Service

á     Member Recruitment & Retention


Section B:        Othercommittees may be temporarily added as needed by the chapter President.