Amanda-ClearcreekFFA Alumni Meeting Minutes

The quarterly meeting of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni wascalled to order by President Nick Greiner on January 15th, 2012 at6:35 P.M. in the Ag Ed classroom. There were 12 members in attendance: Jeff Tilley, Nick Greiner, Joel Spires, NanetteSpires, Laurie Travis, Crystal Groves, Jennifer Blosser,Megan Francis, Ben Blosser, Christian Hoffman, MarkFrancis, and Amanda Cassidy. There was 1 guest present.


Minutes of the previous meeting: MarkFrancis moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Joel Spiresseconded the motion. The motion to accept the minutes of the previous meetingpassed.


Officer Report: Jeff Tilleydiscussed the financial report for the year of 2011. Christian Hoffman moved toaccept the officer report. Mark Francis seconded the motion. The motion toaccept the officer report passed.


Committee Reports:

á      Fundraising Committee - There was discussion by Jeff Tilley andNick Greiner on the 2011 French Fry Sales.

á      Social Activities - None

á      Member Recruitment & Retention - Jeff Tilley and Nick Greinerheld discussion on new members for the 2012 and annual dues needed.

á      Student Scholarship - Jennifer Blosserupdated the chapter on the scholarships paid out in 2011 and the checks thatneeded to be picked up by scholarship winners.

á      Public Relations & Community Service - Amanda Cassidydiscussed the Fairfield County Fair animal purchase and other updates for thiscommittee.

Megan Francis moved to accept the committee reports. Joel Spiresseconded the motion. The motion to accept the committee reports passed.


Unfinished Business: None


New Business:

á      Ohio FFA Alumni Convention

o  Nick Greiner moved to pay the registrationfees and $10 for food for 4 members to attend the Ohio FFA Alumni Convention.Joel Spires seconded the motion. The motion to pay the registration fee and $10for food for 4 members to attend the Ohio FFA Alumni Convention passed.

á      2012 Meeting Dates

o  Joel Spires moved to accept themeeting dates set for the 2012 year. Ben Blosserseconded the motion. The motion to accept the meeting dates set for the 2012year.

¤  Meeting dates are as follows:

¤  March 31st, June 9th, August 11th,November 17th for 2012 and January 12th, 2013

á      Officer Elections

o  Joel Spires moved to hold theofficer elections for the March 31st meeting. Ben Blosser seconded the motion. The motion to hold the officerelections for the March 31st meeting passed.

á      Scholarships

o  Christian Hoffman moved to set a"second chance guideline" for the scholarship rules by adding in ÒIfthe scholarship recipient fails to earn the required 2.0 GPA during the firstterm of their schooling, they must receive a 2.0 GPA for the next term or theyforfeit their scholarshipÓ. Megan Francis seconded the motion. The motion toset a "second chance guideline" for the scholarship rules passed.

o  Mark Francis moved to provide amaximum of (4) $500 scholarships for a maximum amount of $2000 for the 2012school year. Christian Hoffman seconded the motion. The motion to provide amaximum of (4) scholarships for a maximum amount of $2000 for the 2012 schoolyear passed.

á      Other Issues

o   There was discussion held on the following, but no action wastaken:

o   Purchasing a moveable building to put together in junction withthe AC Band Boosters for Football Games

o   Purchasing another fryer

o   Donation for the Fairfield County Fairgrounds for a hopper

á      Joel Spires moved to adjourn the meeting. Mark Francis secondedthe motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 P.M.