Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni Meeting Minutes

The quarterly meeting of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni was called to order by President, Devon Mullen  on March 25, 2023 at 4:18 PM, held at the Amanda-Clearcreek Ag shop. There were 11 members present: Mark Francis, Jeff Tilley, Brittany Tilley, Tim Cordle, Nannette Spires, Joel Spires, Devon Mullens, Susan Mullens, Katerina Sharp, Crystal Groves, and Nick Greiner.

Officer Reports: Jeff Tilley held discussion on the Alumni's Financial report. Katerina Sharp moved to accept the officer reports. Nick Greiner seconded the motion. The motion to accept the officer reports as read passed.

Committee Reports: Jeff Tilley held discussion on the French fry sales report and student scholarships. The group discussed new member retention ideas along with possible group activities. Brittany Tilley moved to accept the committee reports. Mark Francis seconded the motion. The motion to accept the committee reports passed.

Special Features: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

·      A-C FFA Chapter Update

o   Jeff Tilley discussed the latest within the program.

§  Upcoming CDEs

§  Proficiency Awards

§  Fruit Sale Totals

§  Upcoming FFA Events

·      Officer Elections

o   Brittany Tilley moved to keep the office team as is year for another year. Joel Spires seconded the motion. The motion to keep the officer team as is for another year passed.

President- Devon Mullen

Vice-President- Ben Blosser

Secretary- Crystal Groves

Treasurer- Jeff Tilley

News Reporter- Katerina Sharp

o   Brittany Tilley moved to hold the next meetings as follows:  

§  June 4, 2023 at The Spires’ Residence 4 PM

§  August 13, 2023 at the Blosser Residence 4 PM

§  December 3, 2023 at The Tilley Residence 6 PM

Mark Francis seconded the motion. The motion to hold the upcoming meeting scheduled passed.  

·      Brittany Tilley moved to award all 6 applicants scholarships to the 2023 graduating seniors. Nick Greiner seconded the motion. The motion to award all 6 applicants scholarships to the 2023 graduating seniors passed.

·      Nick Greiner moved to have Jeff Tilley move chapter money into a 11 month CD at Kingston National Bank. Devon Mullens seconded the motion. The motion move chapter money into a 11 month CD at Kingston National Bank passed.

Brittany Tilley moved to adjourn the meeting. Mark Francis seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 P.M.