Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni Meeting Minutes


The quarterly meeting of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni was called to order by President, Devon Mullen on August 13, 2023 at 6:23 PM at the Blosser’s residence. There were 11 members present: Joel Spires, Nannette Spires, Mark Francis, Megan Francis, Nick Greiner, Robert Blosser, Jody Blosser, Ben Blosser, Devon Mullen, Jeff Tilley, and Brittany Tilley.

Officer Reports: Jeff Tilley held discussion on the Alumni's Financial report. Mark Francis moved to accept the officer reports. Joel Spires seconded the motion. The motion to accept the officer reports as read passed.

Committee Reports: Jeff Tilley held discussion on the on 2023 home football games.  The chapter also awarded 6 scholarships to graduating 2023 seniors this year. Nick Greiner moved to accept the committee reports. Robert Blosser seconded the motion. The motion to accept the committee reports passed.

Special Features: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

      A-C FFA Chapter Update

      Mark Francis moved to donate a meal to the Linden-McKinley football team after their game. Joel Spires seconded the motion. The motion to donate a meal to the Linden-McKinley football team after their game passed.

      Brittany Tilley moved to form an interview committee to create scholarship and guidelines needed for the interview process. Mark Francis seconded the motion. A small group will be working on a point scale and then an interview committee will be named at next meeting.

      Mark Francis moved to pay the chapter’s Affiliate Membership dues for this year. Jeff Tilley seconded the motion. The motion to pay the chapter’s Affiliate Membership dues for this year passed.

      The next meeting is scheduled for December 3rd, 2023 at 6 PM.

      Mark Francis moved to adjourn the meeting. Devon Mullen seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 P.M.