Amanda-Clearcreek FFA Alumni Meeting Minutes



The quarterly meeting of the Amanda-Clearcreek FFAAlumni was called to order by Jeff Tilley at 6:45 P.M. on Saturday, June 13th,2009 at the residence of Eric & Jennifer Valentine.  The following members were inattendance:

         JodyBlosser, Robert Blosser, Brad Bowers, Amanda Cassidy, Christian Hoffman,Mallory McMaster, Stacey Sams, Brooke Singleton, Jon Singleton, Joel Spires,Jeff Tilley, Laurie Travis, Eric Valentine & Jennifer Valentine. There werealso 2 guests.


Officer Reports: The financial report was asfollows:

á     $5,505.39 is currentlyin the certificate of deposit which matures in December.

á     $2,60.20.47 is currentlyin the checking account.


Unfinished Business: None


Committee Reports: None


Special Features: None


New Business:

Membership changes were presented as follows:

o    New Lifetime member:Alyssa Jenkins

o    New Annual members:Brittany Pinkstock, David Sams & Brooke Singleton

o    Members who didnÕt renewtheir membership this year: Jessie Berisford, Justin Duehren and Sean Malone.

Discussions were held on the following topics:

á     Area 6 Special Olympicsdonation

o    $200 was donated at theend of April. A thank you card was received.

á     Scholarship recipients

o    The following FFAmembers have been chosen to receive $500 scholarships from the A-C FFA Alumni:Alyssa Jenkins, Brittany Pinkstock & Josh Cordle.

á     April Fish Fry

o    Joel Spires reportedthat the April fish fry earned $300 for the group which has been deposited inthe checking account. He reported that some price changes made be made in thefuture.

á     Career TechnicalEducation Funding

o    Jeff Tilley reported onthe status of the CTE funding.

á     4-H Extension ProgramFunding

o    Joel Spires reported onthe status of the Fairfield County 4-H Extension funding.

á     A-C School Levy

o    Jeff Tilley reported onhow the failure of the A-C school levy will affect the A-C FFA Chapter.

á     Summer Trip

á     Summer & Fall FundRaising

o    It was informallydecided to have a fall fish fry, at a time and place to be decided by the FundRaising Committee. It was informally decided to continue to work for Sodexho atthe home OSU Football games again this year.

á     2009-2010 school yearvolunteers

o    All in attendance wereasked to fill-out A-C School Volunteer applications so they can be approved towork with students during the 2009-2010 school year.

á     Greenhouse

o    Jeff Tilley reported onthe status of the Ag Ed Department greenhouse project and let alumni membersknow that their help may be needed this summer.

á     Pelotonia Bike TourUpdate

o    Mallory McMaster andJeff Tilley reported on the status of the Pelotonia Bike Tour set to comethrough Amanda on August 29th. A-C FFA Alumni members will be neededto help monitor the A-C FFA members who will be working with this event.

o    Eric Valentine moved todonate $350 to sponsor Chance McMaster in the Pelotonia Bike Tour. ChristianHoffman seconded the motion. The motion passed.

á     A-C FFA Chapter Update

o    Jeff Tilley gave briefreport about the status of the FFA chapter during the past year. He reportedthat the chapter was probably coming off of itÕs best year ever.

á     Chapter Constitution andChapter Bylaws

o    Mallory McMaster movedto approved the chapter constitution and bylaws as have been presented on thealumni chapter website. Eric Valentine seconded the motion. The motion toapprove the chapter constitution and bylaws passed.

á     Committee Sign-ups

o    Members were asked tosign-up for the following committees: Fund Raising, Social Activities, StudentScholarship, Public Relations & Community Service, Member Recruitment &Retention.

á     Officer Elections

o    Robert Blosser nominatedNick Greiner for the office of President. Eric Valentine moved to closenominations. Joel Spires seconded the motion. The motion passed. Nick Greinerwas elected President through general consent.

o    Robert Blosser nominatedBen Blosser for the office of Vice-President. Eric Valentine moved to closenominations. Joel Spires seconded the motion. The motion passed. Ben Blosserwas elected Vice-President through general consent.

o    Jeff Tilley nominatedCrystal Covell for the office of Secretary. Joel Spires moved to closenominations. Brad Bowers seconded the motion. The motion passed. Crystal Covellwas elected Secretary through general consent.

o    Mallory McMasternominated Jeff Tilley for the office Treasurer. Robert Blosser moved to closethe nominations. Amanda Cassidy seconded the motion. The motion passed. JeffTilley was elected Treasurer through general consent.

o    Eric Valentine nominatedChristian Hoffman for the office of News Reporter. Mallory McMaster moved toclose nominations. Robert Blosser seconded the motion. The motion passed.Christian Hoffman was elected News Reporter through general consent.

á     It was suggested that aA-C FFA Alumni page be created on Facebook. Jeff Tilley will be looking intothis.

á     Mallory McMaster movedto adjourn the meeting. Jody Blosser seconded the moion. The meeting adjournedat 8:10 P.M.