
Midwest #4 Forest Products Test

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.


Forestry products can be classified into two groups - wood or chemical.


Wood products are made directly from wood.


Chemical products are manufactured by breaking down wood cells through chemical processes.


A red cedar tree makes an ideal Christmas tree.


Pulpwood is used in making paper and paper products.


Charcoal is made by heating wood until it is charred.


Hardwoods yield valuable distillation products including wood alcohol, oxalic acid, charcoal, and lampblack.


Pine products include turpentine and pine tar.


Studies show that forests remove air pollutants and release oxygen.


Forests provide wildlife habitat and help protect the soil.


The black walnut, butternut, and shagbark hickory nut make excellent eating nuts


The box elder, one of the maple family, makes an excellent shade and commercial tree.     


Charcoal is one of the principal products of the destructive distillation of wood.     


A valuable forest product is the sponge.


Wood used extensively for making gunstocks is black walnut.


A wood used commonly today for the manufacture of baseball bats is Elm.


Red cedar is a popular wood used for lining linen closets and chests for clothes storage.


A problem with burning firewood is the creosote buildup in the chimney that makes a fire hazard.


Apple wood gives off a pleasant aroma as it is being burned.


Wood provides fuel, fiber, sugar, textiles, explosives, synthetic rubber and alcohol.


The majority of all plantation rubber comes from Southeastern Asia.


The bitternut hickory makes an excellent eating nut.


Black Walnut is highly prized for furniture and cabinet making.


White oak is a prized wood in the construction of ships and boats.


Turpentine is a product of the cedar tree.

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